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Can young people be diagnosed with diabetes?

My niece who is 19 is overweight and has always been like that. I'm worried that she's on the path to get diabetes. Can young people be diagnosed with it?

What do I do with veins on my legs?

I'm 55 year old female and have veins on both of my legs. They are much more visible than they should be and it's starting to bother me. It doesn't look nice either. What should...

Are there any home remedies for muscle spasms?

I'm 56 and have been experiencing muscle spasms in my lower back for the last three months. Are there any home remedies that can help me ease the pain?

Is a colonoscopy painful?

I'm 36 and should have colonoscopy soon. I'm a bit scared of it and already delayed the appointment once. Is a colonoscopy painful?

What foods have a lot of vitamin C?

I'm 34 and have colds frequently. My practitioner recommended taking vitamin C. I'd rather eat food that contains it than taking supplements. What foods contain vitamin C?

Can drinking more water help with digestion?

I have a very poor digestion and heard that drinking more water can be helpful. Is this true?

What causes a skin rash?

I'm 37 and have problems with skin rashes. My dermatologist recommended some creams and I'm using them. But, what I really want to know is what actually causes skin rash?

How do I stop snoring?

I'm a 28-year old male and I've had problems with snoring for a couple of years now. How do I stop snoring? Need help!

Is it normal to have low sex drive at 22?

I'm 22 and have a really low sex drive. My best friend says that this is weird at this age. Is it normal to have a low sex drive at 22?

For how long should bruises last?

I have bruises on my left leg since I hit it a while ago. But, I think that they last for too long now as it's been 4 months. For how long should bruises last?

Is there a cure for Crohn's disease?

I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease and I'm 34 years old Is there a cure for Chron's disease?

Why are my kidneys hurting?

I'm 22 years old and my kidneys hurt for no reason. What can be the cause?

How can I control my diabetes?

I'm 27 and have been diagnosed with diabetes. How can I control my diabetes?

How do Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes differ?

I am a 29 year old male. I want to know the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

What is the treatment for diabetes?

I'm 32 years old and I was diagnosed with diabetes. What is the treatment for diabetes?

Do diabetics need more sleep?

I'm 24 years old and I was diagnosed with diabetes. I feel very tired all the time. Could it be from my diabetes?

How is Hepatitis B detected?

I'm 27 years old and my doctor believes that I have hepatitis B. How is this detected?

What are the signs of rectal cancer?

A month ago, I began to notice blood in my stool, and it hasn't stopped. I'm worried that it could be rectal cancer. What are the signs of rectal cancer? What should I look...

What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

I have a rough cough right now and I am worried that I can have pneumonia. What are the symptoms of pneumonia?

Would I need stents after a heart attack?

I'm 45 and heart issues run in my family. My father died of a heart attack, actually. If I ever were to get a heart attack, would I have to get stents after it?

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