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What causes frequent urination in children?

My son is 9 years old, and he has been experiencing frequent urination. What can be the cause?

Are varicose veins the same thing as spider veins?

The veins in my legs look dark and enlarged. Does that mean that I have varicose veins or spider veins? What are the treatment options?

Is a coronary angiography just an x-ray?

I'm 29 years old and I'm scheduled to have a coronary angiography. What is it? Is it the same x-ray?

What can I do to help me sleep?

I'm a 50 year old woman and I suddenly developed trouble sleeping. What can I do? Should I see a doctor? I'm wondering also, if this could be from the onset of menopause?

Why is obesity considered dangerous?

I'm 30 years old, and I've always been big. I haven't had any problems with my health. Why is obesity considered dangerous?

What causes discoloration and itching of nails?

What could make a person's fingernails become discolored and itchy? Do I have to see a doctor about this? I'm also 37 years old, and a female.

Are sinus infections more common in winter?

I'm getting sinus infections in the winter, especially when it's really cold. I have had at least 3 infections this season alone. Are sinus infections more common in winter?...

Can surgery fix my child's ear deformity?

My child is 3 year old, and she was born with a deformed ear. I want to get it fixed soon, because I feel like it's going to affect her hearing. Will surgery help?

Can coeliac disease lead to breast cancer?

Can coeliac disease play a part in breast cancer or any other cancer? Also can it cause depression, hypertension, osteoporosis arthritis, angina,borderline diabetes emphysema,...

Will I ever get rid of sleep apnea?

I have lost a lot of weight and I have gone from stopping breathing 40 times an hour to 17 times, do I still have to wear my mask?


Can I take these two together? Naproxen and paroxetine.

What are the symptoms of a UTI in males?

Lately it has been painful when I pee. I know that this can also be caused by STDs but I always use protection. What are the symptoms of a UTI? How are they treated?

What causes indigestion?

I'm a 35-year-old male and I experience indigestion very often. What am I doing wrong? Could this be because of my diet?

Can kidney stones affect bowel movements?

I have a lot of blood in my urine along with irregular bowel movements. Can these all be related to kidney stones?

What is used to test for diabetes?

My doctor suspects that I have diabetes and has referred me to get tested for it. What are the diagnostic tests for diabetes?

What causes arrhythmia?

The doctor diagnosed me with arrhythmia when I was kid. Sometimes I feel lightheaded and I worry about my heart. Is this because of arrhythmia? I'm now 28 years old.

What is a heart murmur?

I'm only 30 years old. Sometimes I feel my heart beating very quickly, right before it goes back to normal. Could this be a heart murmur?

How much water should I drink throughout the day?

Hi, I'm 25 years old and I currently drink at least 2 liters of water every day. Do you think that this is enough? What's recommended?

How is polymyalgia rheumatica treated?

I was diagnosed with polymyalgia when I turned 52 years old (now I'm 54), and I'm taking prednisone for it right now. Can exercises help in treating polymyalgia rheumatica as...

Why did I just get diagnosed with type 1 diabetes now?

I'm 42 years old, and I have just been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I know that this isn't something that you just develop, and I thought that type 1 was generally diagnosed...

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