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Bactrim uses?

Can Bactrim be used for a spider bite?

Should young children consume energy drinks?

My friend's son is 8 year old, and he drinks red bull regularly. I was really surprised because I felt that he was too young, but I didn't say anything. Should young children...

What do colonoscopies show my doctor?

I'm 32, and I need to have a colonoscopy next week. Will a colonoscopy show my doctor if I have cancer? What do they look for, usually?

Why would son need adenoid glands removed?

My son is 8 year old. His doctor says that if he has another ear infection, he may need to have his adenoid glands removed because he gets ear infections often. How would this...

Could the pain in my back be a kidney infection?

I'm 42 years old, and my back started to hurt really bad last week. Since then, I've had an aching feeling in my lower back and recently a high fever. Could the pain in my back...

Does hyperthyroidism cause grey hair?

I'm 35, and I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism 2 months ago. I think my hair is turning gray because of my condition. Is that possible?

How accurate are home pregnancy tests?

I'm 27. I missed one period and am late on my second, so I want to get a home test. How accurate are home pregnancy tests?

How can one clear out a stuffed ear?

I feel like my ears are always waxy, despite me using Q-tips to clean them. What's the best, safest way to clear out a blocked up ear?

Why do I wheeze after running?

I'm 23. Usually after high intensity cardio workouts, like running, I wheeze and sometimes cough because I'm so out of breath. Why could this be happening?

Can a different pillow solve my snoring issue?

I'm 40, and I have always had an issue with snoring. I've tried most things, except for using a wedge-shaped pillow. Can a different pillow solve my snoring issue?

Is erectile dysfunction common in men over 40?

I'm 44-year-old male with erectile dysfunction. I've been having this issue for over two months, and haven't gotten it treated yet. Is erectile dysfunction common in men over...

What can my grandmother do about diaper rash?

My grandmother started to wear diapers for her incontinence (her doctor recommended it), and now she has a rash from wearing them. What's the best way to get rid of the rash?...

The best way to combat obesity?

I'm 35 years old, and I just want to be slimmer. My doctor wants me to lose weight since I'm borderline obese, but I don't know what the best approach is. Do you have any recommendations?...

Can aspirin cause stomach issues?

My grandpa takes aspirin constantly for chronic arthritis pains. He's also suffering from digestive difficulties. Can aspirin cause stomach issues?

What are the most common IV fluids given in a hospital?

I went to the hospital for a kidney infection and I was also really dehydrated. I was given fluids during my hospital stay, and it made me feel better rather quickly. I'm just...

What's the best way to take my blood pressure at home?

I have issues with high blood pressure, and I want to keep it in check so that it doesn't cause any complications. I want to start taking my blood pressure at home to monitor....

Can drinking more water help with my indigestion?

Whenever I eat spicy food, I get indigestion after I eat spicy food. Can drinking more water help with my indigestion?

Why does my stomach hurt everyday?

For the past couple of months, my stomach has been hurting everyday. I think this could really have to do with my diet, but my diet hasn't necessarily changed. Why could my stomach...

Can vitamins cause rashes?

A few months ago, I started getting a strange rash on my elbows and this is around the time I started to take multivitamin supplements. Is it possible my vitamin is causing the...

Can migraines cause vertigo?

I noticed that when I have migraines, I also experience vertigo as well. Can a migraine bring on an attack of vertigo?

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