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Can PCOD be confirmed in a USG?

I am a 19 year old girl and I have been irregular periods since the last 6 months. I am also gaining weight. My gynecologist is suggesting it could be because of PCOD. Will...

My hands swell when I exercise

I've been having a terrible time with my hands swelling during exercise. What could be the cause of this?

RA and pregnancy

I have rheumatoid arthritis and I am 28 years old. I would really like to have children some day, but I know I can't have kids while I take methotrexate. how is pregnancy handled...

Post joint replacement

I will be having both knee replaced soon. Would i have a better recovery working with a physiatrist versus a physical therapist?

Is there any way to predict arthritis flare-ups?

Why do I have some days when I feel great and some days it hurts too bad to get out of bed? I don't think I'm doing anything different on those days!

What is causing my chronic back pain?

I don't know what causes my back pain. It's not very severe but it's always there. Is is okay to take something like ibuprofen regularly?

Possible Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) (dx'd with UCTD, atm)

I have fluid on my brain of unknown origin, but they're referring to it as hydrocephalus which my new Neurologist at my last 2 visits told me at the first one that she couldn't...

Lupus pain?

I was diagnosed at age 59 (last year) my rheumatologist has done blood work only once in a years time. I am having dull but constant pain on my right side in the back in the rib...


Does COPD and CHF often go hand in hand with Lupus? ?


Does lupus cause anthropy in L5 S4? lately my pain is unbearable. . .

Should I exercise anymore?

After experiencing bouts of knee pain for 6+ months I was diagnosed with RA. It runs in my mother's side of the family too. I don't want to hurt my knees - what exercises should...

How do I know if I have rheumatoid arthritis?

My joints hurt most of the time. How do I know if it is rheumatoid arthritis?

I'm only 23 and experiencing knee pain during exercise. Why?

If I walk for a long distance, run, or swim, I experience pain in both of my knees. There is a history of rheumatoid arthritis in my family. Could this be affecting me, too?...

Hand surgery for RA - what to expect?

I need hand surgery on my right hand for rheumatoid arthritis. It's very bad. What will recovery be like? When can I use my hand again?

I have chronic knee pain

I have had right knee pain since I was 9 years old and I am now in my 50s. I have had 3 surgeries to "clean up and straighten up" my knee. At what point should I give up and...

Help with neck muscle stiffness

I have a lot of problems with the muscles in my neck being stiff and tight. I see a massage therapist frequently and it helps some. Would physical therapy be able to help me...

Rotator cuff tear

I have a tear in my left rotator cuff. Why is my doctor sending me to PT rather than just fixing it?

Rheumatoid Arthritis

I have both Rheumatoid and Osteo Arthritis only diagnosed one year ago. I am on Sulphasalazine three times daily and Hydrochloroquine twice daily. I found I have excess sweating...

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