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Is nuclear medicine effective as a cancer treatment?

Can I opt for nuclear medicine to treat my thyroid cancer? What are the side effects?

What are the signs of mouth cancer?

Are there any symptoms to look for to detect mouth cancer early?

What precautions are necessary when interacting with cancer patients?

I volunteer for a non-profit organization where I deal with cancer patients. What precautions should I take to maintain my health and those I work with?

What Breast Cancer treatment is recommended?

I was diagnosed with Stage 2 Breast Cancer. I am estrogen positive and HER2 negative. I had a Lumpectomy and ANC done. I have clear margins but 6 nodes are positive out of 22...

How would we know if the tumor in my intestine is cancerous or not?

I have a tumor in my intestine but I don’t know if its cancerous or not, and I am terrified of having any kind of surgery. Is a surgical biopsy my only option to find out?

Will I definitely lose my hair during chemotherapy?

I am starting chemotherapy for breast cancer, and am really having a hard time with the fact that I will lose my hair. Will I definitely lose my hair?

While getting chemo, is it safe to get a flu shot?

I am starting chemotherapy next week. Is it okay for me to get a flu shot?

Can I have tylenol while doing chemotherapy?

I am undergoing chemotherapy for a tumor in my body. I am feeling a little feverish and my doctor is not reachable. Is it safe to have a tylenol given my condition?

Is fatigue and loss of appetite normal during chemotherapy?

I am undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer, and I have been having a lot of trouble with fatigue, which is causing me to have a loss of appetite. Is this normal?

What medicines can be taken during chemotherapy to enhance hemoglobin levels?

I am undergoing chemotherapy for my breast cancer. My hemoglobin levels are constantly low and it makes me very tired. What medicines can I take to enhance these levels?

Should a bone growth be taken for biopsy?

I have a bone growth near my ankle that I recently got removed. Do you think I should have any biopsies taken?

My father vomited after his chemo session. Is it normal?

As soon as my father came back home after his chemotherapy session he vomited. Is this normal?

Can repeated abortions cause cancer?

I've had 2 abortions. I was young when I had them both, and now I regret it. But I also heard a rumor that there could be a connection between abortions and breast cancer. Is...

How common is it for skin cancer to come back?

My mom had melanoma and, thank goodness, she caught it early. She is doing fine now and gets checkups every 6 months (she was declared cancer free 2 years ago). Is there ever...

Is lung cancer treatable?

My mother has been diagnosed with lung cancer and is starting her first round of treatment next week. But how likely is this treatment going to work? My mother was diagnosed...

Is hepatitis after chemotherapy fatal?

My father was receiving chemotherapy for his throat cancer and almost recovered. However, now he has been diagnosed with hepatitis. Could this be fatal? I am worried since he...

Is chemotherapy painful?

We are starting out my father's chemotherapy for lung cancer in 3 days. But I am very worried and would like to know if it is a painful treatment. How can he be as comfortable...

Will a biopsy cause cancer to spread?

I have heard that if a cancer growth is scrapped for biopsy it tends to spread. Is this true? Which parts of the body is this most true for?

Is there any way to help prevent cancer recurrence?

I battled cancer in my uterus and I am now very skeptical about it coming back. How do I try to make sure that I never have this disease again?

How can someone live with cancer without chemotherapy?

My uncle has been diagnosed with cancer, but the doctor has not started him on chemotherapy. When is chemotherapy necessary?

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