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How are ingrown toe nails removed?

What is the treatment for ingrown toe nails? I keep having this problem regularly. What should I do?

Should I see a podiatrist for my feet If I have diabetes?

I am suffering from tremendous foot pain, and I believe that it could be associated with my diabetes. Should I see a podiatrist when I have diabetes?

Should I stay away from pedicures?

I heard that the tubs at salons are full of bacteria. Should I stay away from them altogether to avoid any infections on my feet?

How are bunions removed?

I noticed that I have a bunion by my big toe and it's causing me a lot of pain. I tried changing shoes and pain medications, but none of it works. How can I get them removed?...

What should I do to prevent my feet from hurting in the snow?

During the snow, I end up walking long distances. What can I do to prevent my feet from hurting?

I have a small growth around my ankle. Could it be serious?

I have a small growth around my ankle. It doesn’t hurt but I cant move it. It feels soft and smooth. Could it be harmful?

Can bunions indicate an underlying foot problem?

I have painful bunions even though I take good care of my feet and wear very comfortable shoes. Could there be an underlying problem?

Why does my ankle sprain easily?

I have a tendency to fall and every time I do, I sprain my ankle. Why does this happen so easily?

Why do I find it hard to flex my toes?

I am having a lot of difficulty in flexing my toes. I have no idea what could have caused this stiffness. What could it be?

Can heel pain be treated surgically?

Lately, I have been experiencing a sharp pain in my heel on my right foot. I have diabetes. Will I need surgery to correct this pain?

My foot looks like it has a wart on the bottom of it. How can I get rid of it?

It looks like there is a wart on the bottom of my foot. It's not really causing me any pain, but I definitely don't want it there. What can I do to get rid of it?

I frequently get blisters on my feet when I wear shoes. Why does this keep happening?

I have a lot of blisters around my feet, and this happens with shoes that I wear quite frequently. Why does this happen, and what's the best way to get rid of them?

How can I prevent foot issues?

I work long hours on my feet, and my doctor said I am at risk for developing issues in my feet. How can I prevent this?

What is the treatment for hammer toe?

My mother is 70 years old and has pain in the ball of her feet due to hammer toes. What is the treatment for this condition?

I get cramps in my foot very frequently. What could be wrong?

I keep getting cramps in my foot very frequently. What could be causing these?

I have a bone growth under my heel and it hurts. What should I do?

I have a bone growth right under my heels and its hurting very badly. What should I do about it?

Do acupuncture shoes help with heel pain?

I wake up to a lot of pain in my heels and have been considering buying acupuncture shoes. Will these really help in treating my heel pain?

I feel like the bottoms of my feet are swollen. What could be wrong?

The bottoms of my feet, for some reason, feel swollen and it's making me walk weird. I'm not sure why this is happening either. What do you think is wrong?

Can bath salts help in treating heel pain?

I feel a lot of pain within my heels. I think it's because I walk a lot for my job in the city. Can soaking my feet in water with bath salts help in treating heel pain?

Why could my feet be so itchy?

Lately, the bottoms of my feet have been really itchy and I'm not sure what to do. There are also some bumps on the bottom of them. What could this be? Is it serious?

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