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I have a strange pain in the bottom of my feet. What could be the reason for this?

I have a sharp pain when I walk fast at the bottom of my feet. The pain only occurs during these times, so I'm not sure where is it from. Why could this be happening? I'm also...

I have white spots on the bottom of my feet. What could these be?

I have been noticing some white spots just on the bottom of my feet. I can't tell what they are. They don't hurt or anything. What could it be? They look like blisters but...

Could foot odor be a sign of an infection?

My feet really smell and I can't seem to get rid of it. Could this be a sign of a foot infection? How do I fight it from the source?

My legs and feet become very heavy during my periods. What is the connection and how can I manage the pain better?

When I have my period, my legs feel very heavy and sore, like I was just running. My feet also become very heavy and it becomes difficult to walk or do any exercise. Are there...

Why do I keep getting blisters even after switching shoes?

I keep getting blisters on the back of my feet no matter what shoe I wear. Is it a problem with my feet?

Why do I have flat feet?

I have flat feet and they can be extremely painful to live with them because of the pain it causes from even the slightest exertion. Why do some people have flat feet, and what...

How can I control the bad smell from my feet?

I have extremely smelly feet since they sweat. . . a lot. I have tried various sprays to treat it, but my feet still have this horrible odor. Should I go to a podiatrist to...

Why do my feet hurt every time I run?

I have recently started running to lose weight. But every time I run half a mile, I end up with this awful pain in both of my feet, which cuts down my pace. What could be the...

Why do I keep getting an ingrown toenail?

I keep getting an ingrown toenail in the same area, and every time I have to visit a podiatrist to get it removed. Is there a way in which this issue can be treated permanently?...

A glass piece has gone inside my foot and the area has become red. Will a podiatrist be able to help me?

I recently had a fall and though there were no major injuries I think a glass piece has gone inside my foot. First I thought it was only due to the accident impact and didn’t...

Why does my foot feel heavy?

Since last night I am finding a strange heaviness in my foot. It is not hurting but every time I try to walk I feel like I am dragging my feet. Could this be due to some kind...

Are there any side effects of wearing acupuncture slippers for a long time?

I normally have a lot of walking to do during the day. Recently I purchased a pair of acupuncture slippers to get some comfort while walking. I just want to confirm if there...

Is dipping feet in hot water with Epsom salt supposed to help my heel spurs?

I am suffering from severe heel spurs that leave me in a lot of pain, particularly in the mornings and by the end of the day. Should I try dipping my feet in hot water with Epsom...

I have pus-filled white bumps around my ankle. What could this be?

I have noticed pus-filled white bumps around my foot and ankle, and I am not sure what this is. Is this something serious?

I have had repeated sprains in my ankle. Will it keep happening? What can I do?

I have had repeated sprains in my left ankle over the last decade, and now I feel like it takes less and less effort for it to happen again. Why is this happening? What can I...

What is the best way of recovering from a sprain?

My brother sprained his ankle yesterday while playing football. What is the best home treatment for a sprain?

Ingrown toenail surgery now have thick ridged nails

Last year I had ingrown toe nail surgery on both big toes where both sides of the nails were removed from the beds, While it corrected the problem and I no longer get ingrown...

Is hammertoe genetic?

My mom suffers from a lot of foot problems, including hammertoe and bunions. I noticed hammer toe occurring in the 3rd toe in each foot. It rubs against my shoes and is sometimes...

Why are my ankles swollen?

My ankles usually look fine when I wake up, but by the end of the day they are very swollen. I have no other known health conditions and no foot problems. They do run in my family,...

Foot pain in the morning

Every morning when I get out of bed the bottom of my right foot hurts like crazy for a few minutes. The pain goes away eventually but it's pretty severe when it does hurt. It...

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