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Chronic wound?

I am 63 years old and have had symmetrical chronic wounds on both ankles for about ten years. The wound is falling to heal. FBS 6. 7mmol/g. Around the wound is getting dark....

Does acupuncture increase blood flow?

I have poor blood flow. Does acupuncture increase blood flow?

What infections cause high platelet count?

I have a high platelet count. What infections cause high platelet count?

Blood results?

I was seeing leukopenia but all my levels are normal. I have been experiencing a low wbc off and on for a year now. What does all this mean, I'm so scared? No medications just...

Blood tests?

Can your thinking cause blood tests to show stuff like diabetes if you think it?

Annual exam results?

I had an exam that included ECG-12 Lead, CBC with differential, comprehensive metabolic panel, hemoglobin A1C, lipid panel, TSH, urinalysis, all of which came back normal. Is...

Lymphadenopathy treatment?

Hi, I have had lymphadenopathy for over a year with fatigue, weight loss, night sweats (not every night). Due to a family history of lymphoma and lots of cancer, an excisional...

How long for hemoglobin to return to normal range?

I'm an active 85 year old male (still works a full-time job), post-op (near-total colectomy due to severe diverticulitis with multiple bleeds). The patient received 22 total units...

Does acupuncture help poor blood circulation?

I have poor blood circulation. Does acupuncture help poor blood circulation?

How can I raise my child's iron level?

My daughter has low iron levels. How can I raise my child's iron level?

Can acupuncture help with anemia?

I was diagnosed with anemia. Does acupuncture help with anemia?

AST and ALT Test?

My blood work ATL was a 20 and my AST was a 36. With a ratio of 1. 8. Going to my primary physician Wednesday. What can I expect?

How to treat iron deficiency anemia?

My mother has anemia and she received prescribed medications from her doctor. She started taking them and noticed that her face is bloating. I remember her doctor mentioning...

Stage 3 kidney?

I took a blood test and I guess it showed stage 3 of my kidneys pre-diabetic and low vitamin D also low estrogen. I don't know what any of this means or if it's really serious...

Can you take too much B12?

At my last lab work done was told I was a little anemic. In conversation, was told it could be a deficiency in B12. After considering that, I purchased oral B12 5000mg and started...

I have low RDW, high immature granulocytes and a few other things?

I am a 34-year-old active female. I had knee reconstruction in May of 2021. In August I started having muscle and joint pain. Not constant but bothersome when I felt it. My...

Blood test results?

Hi, I recently had a blood test but was wondering what kind of things do blood tests show?

My 16 year old old daughter hardly ever has an appetite?

My 16 year old daughter hardly ever has an appetite. She's stuck at 80lbs, 5’0". No energy. Blood panel and thyroid tested normal. The 16 year old is a step-daughter (mom is...

Can this be normal?

I am currently anemic, iron 36, hemoglobin 9. 9. . . (dropped from iron being 170 in July). The doctor ordered further tests and I also have low ALP, low calcium, and low creatinine....

How much d3 should I be taking if my levels are a little below 19?

I am a 22 year old female who's been experiencing a lot of brain fog, forgetfulness, skin issues such as dry skin, lack of energy, and just overall feeling low in mood. I got...

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