Explore the Different Types of Acne

Whiteheads are small white-colored blemishes on the skin, which result when the hair follicles get clogged with sebum (natural oil secreted by the skin’s sebaceous glands) and dead skin cells. Your skin needs a certain amount of natural oil to lubricate and protect itself. However, when the skin produces excessive sebum and dead skin cells, the glands are clogged with oil and covered by skin. As a result, the oil is trapped between the skin layers and cannot reach the surface, which leads to the appearance of white spots.
Blackheads are tiny blemishes on the skin that look like black dots. Blackheads are quite similar to whiteheads because they both are caused by the clogging of pores. Unlike whiteheads, which are closed, blackheads are open. The black appearance is caused when the debris inside the hair follicle becomes oxidized.
Papules are small red dots or bumps on the skin that appears when the presence of bacteria has caused inflammation. These may or may not be sensitive to touch, but you must not pick them as it can result in scars. Papules are identified by their redness and swelling, they are not filled with pus. Since irritation and inflammation are the symptoms of a papule, it’s better not to apply anything that dries it out further. You should instead calm and soothe the area until the condition subsides.
Pustules are similar to papules, but they’re filled with pus. Because they have whitish or yellowish-looking pus, they appear like a lot bigger whiteheads. They may feel painful to the touch as well. Squeezing them can lead to a post-breakout scar, so you must avoid it.
Nodules are one of the more severe types of acne that are much bigger than papules or pustules. A nodule is a painful and inflamed acne that is hard to touch. It doesn’t have pus, but it takes quite a while to go away. Nodules can only be cured by proper medical treatment and typically requires the use of strong medicines.
A cyst is a deep, big, and pus filled acne that is quite painful to touch. Cysts reach deep into the sebaceous gland and the deeper layers of the skin. If left untreated, they lead to scarring. Therefore, they need immediate attention from a doctor.
Acne Conglobata
This is the severest type of acne which appears as a large lesion on the skin. These lesions are interconnected across the face and body and usually affect the upper arms, chest, face, buttocks and thighs. This type of acne is seen in both male and females. However, it is quite rare so you need not worry much.
Acne Rosacea
Acne Rosacea is chronic, incurable acne-like skin condition that usually covers the nose, forehead, cheeks, and chin. The spots in acne rosacea are mostly the same as with acne vulgaris, except it’s also accompanied by a red rash. It primarily affects people between the ages of 30 yeras old and 60 years old.