A Lumpectomy Or Mastectomy: Personal Story

What have been some of the key things you have struggled with in the aftermath of your lumpectomy or mastectomy?
Coming to terms with the fact that my breast will never be the same as it was before my lumpectomy. Realising the tenderness and pain that I sometimes feel in my breast is completely normal after an operation and radiotherapy.
What would you want others to know about your journey?
It is important to ask the professionals if you are worried about anything. My Breastcare Nurse has been amazing and explained everything to me and listened when I have been upset. If friends and family offer to help with housework, laundry and cooking. Take as much help as you can. There have been times when I have been very down but I found keeping my mind busy is the best thing. Exercise or catching up with family and friends also helped.
If you could give advice to someone newly diagnosed with breast cancer, what would you tell them?
It doesn't have to be a death sentence. Make sure you ask questions (sometimes too much information can be mind blowing) but knowing key facts will help you to understand more. Your surgeon will discuss your treatment with you and if you're unsure about anything ask them to explain it. Make sure you rest when you can. The treatment will be very exhausting, whether it be chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It is perfectly normal to feel scared, but all health professionals involved with your treatment are there to support you and make the journey, from diagnosis to end of treatment, as smooth as they can. There will be good days and bad days but you will get through it.