If You or Someone You Love Were Able to Be Symptom-free for One Day, How Would You Spend the Time?

Deidre Tranter Fibromyalgia

I was diagnosed back in 2000 for Fibromyalgia. I was 40 years old. I started out with muscle pain in my thighs and it gradually spread everywhere else except my lower legs and lower arms. I was diagnosed with Arthritis back in my early 30's in my hands and knees. Everything else I have, I have spent a lot of money on trying...

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What would you do that you aren't able to do now?

I love to dance and go bowling. I have not been able to do either for a long time. Besides it being exercise, dancing makes me happy. Bowling is a fun game and you never know who is going to win until it is over. I would love to hang out with my friends and just have a good time doing those things. I would love to be able to spend money on something other than doctor bills and medicine.