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Dr. Michael Morris, M.D.

Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor (ENT)

Dr. Michael Morris is an ear, nose and throat (ENT) doctor, also known as an otolaryngologist, practicing in Rockville, MD. Dr. Morris specializes in diseases and disorders of the ear, nose and throat as well as other parts of the head and neck. Such structures an ENT may work on include the sinuses, larynx (voice box) and mouth in addition to the ear, nose and throat. There are seven areas of expertise that an ENT might specialize in, and these are: allergies; facial reconstructive surgery; head and neck; laryngology; otology/neurotology; pediatric otolaryngology; and rhinology.
42 years Experience
Dr. Michael Morris, M.D.
  • Rockville, MD
  • George Washington University School Of Medicine
  • Accepting new patients

How can I relieve ear pain?

Hurts when you tug on it? If so ear infection is likely

What can be the cause of sudden hearing loss?

Viral infection of the 8th cranial nerve, causing nerve swelling in a bony canal needs. It anti-viral medicine and corticosteroids, not corticosteroids alone. Start asap.

What can be the cause of my earaches?

Yes, inner ear canal or middle ear or behind ear in the mastoid cavity. You need an ear exam to differentiate.

How should I treat a fever that is getting higher?

Get a CBC blood test to see what's causing the fever and sore throat.

What is the best antibiotic for an ear infection?

Avoid Amoxicillin and Azithromycin two over prescribed antibiotics, consider a sulfa drug

What is the treatment for nose fungal infection?

Diflucan 150 twice a day for 30 days. Fungal infection of nose sinuses can be dangerous because they can be invasive. I recommend getting treatment going asap.

What is Meniere's disease?

Inner ear fluid imbalance. Too much fluid. Unusual in a child however. Menieres disease is characterized by episodic symptoms, treatment and testing of diagnosis after careful READ MORE
Inner ear fluid imbalance. Too much fluid. Unusual in a child however. Menieres disease is characterized by episodic symptoms, treatment and testing of diagnosis after careful history is trial of diuretic. Given his age and if it isn't episodic consider viral infection of balance nerve.

Can vertigo cause slurred speech?

If your vertigo is neurological and that's affecting your speech centers yes. I recommend getting a brainstem MRI to make sure this is in the case.

What does swollen lymph nodes and a headache mean?

You should get tested for other types of insect mediated infection and blood testing to see if your lymph node swelling has to do with the lymph nodes or some other medical condition READ MORE
You should get tested for other types of insect mediated infection and blood testing to see if your lymph node swelling has to do with the lymph nodes or some other medical condition affecting your lymph nodes.

What can be the cause of frequent ear infections?

Depending on the type of infection you have whether it's external ear or middle ear could relate to your immune system which can be depended on your age as well. Other conditions READ MORE
Depending on the type of infection you have whether it's external ear or middle ear could relate to your immune system which can be depended on your age as well. Other conditions may be anatomical that involve your ear anatomy and worth investigating. By testing for any difficulties with your immune system IgG IGA I GM and doing a temporal bone CT scan is where I would start.

When should you take your child to the hospital for a cough?

It will be important to know what's causing his cough. Does he have a fever? Does he have shortness of breath? Does he do mouth breathing? The cough can be caused by conditions READ MORE
It will be important to know what's causing his cough. Does he have a fever? Does he have shortness of breath? Does he do mouth breathing? The cough can be caused by conditions ranging from allergy to infection. Nasal cultures throw cultures and allergy testing along with further evaluation by physical exam would be important.

Why is my sore throat worse at night?

Do you breathe through your mouth at night? Do you experience nasal congestion? These are things that can make your sore throat worse by drying out your mouth.

What is the natural remedy for a throat infection?

Because strep throat can cause rheumatic fever and rheumatic fever can cause permanent changes in your heart I would not recommend a natural remedy for throat infection. A throat READ MORE
Because strep throat can cause rheumatic fever and rheumatic fever can cause permanent changes in your heart I would not recommend a natural remedy for throat infection. A throat infection is not something you want to keep or treat partially. By making sure if it's a strep infection by throat culture would be the first step before deciding on treatment.

What happens after ear tubes surgery?

Why is your child having ear tube surgery? What could be causing the obstruction of his natural eustachian tube? He's out of the age range where your problems are things kids will READ MORE
Why is your child having ear tube surgery? What could be causing the obstruction of his natural eustachian tube? He's out of the age range where your problems are things kids will grow out of so why a nine-year-old has eustachian tube dysfunction would be worth investigating with testing as well as examination of the back of the nose with eustachian tube opens into the nose.

What is tinnitus?

It can be caused by inflammation in ear or nerve from ear to brain. If one ear only get it checked quickly because appropriate medication can reverse it. Some causes aren't reversible READ MORE
It can be caused by inflammation in ear or nerve from ear to brain. If one ear only get it checked quickly because appropriate medication can reverse it. Some causes aren't reversible yet treatable

What causes noses to bleed when blown?

Nasal inflammation from infection or allergy causes dilated blood vessels. These are fragile and bleed easily.

Is it normal to have pressure built up in your ear?

What you are describing isn't normal. It's eustachian tube disorder. Do not let a doctor dilate it with a balloon. Evaluate it by exam and, if needed, get a CT scan.

Why do I always have a stuffy nose?

Something is causing that congestion. Non-seasonal allergies, maybe. If always the case, obstructive anatomy possibly?

How is ear fungus in toddlers treated?

Fungal ear culture and treatment. This could include an alcohol vinegar solution.