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Mr. Arun Swaminathan, M.B.B.S.


Dr. Arun Swaminathan practices neurology and specializes in epilepsy management at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. He offers all therapies for epilepsy including medications, epilepsy surgery, ketogenic diet, and devices like VNS or RNS. He is also heavily involved in research into innovative therapies for epilepsy.
8 years Experience
Mr. Arun Swaminathan, M.B.B.S.
Specializes in:
  • Neurologist
  • Omaha, NE
  • Univ of Kentucky, Lexington
  • Accepting new patients

Patient Preparedness For Your Visit To The Epilepsy Doctor

Doctors and patients seem to spend less time with each other as the years go by. Increasing patient volumes, need to ensure accurate and detailed patient charts, reviewing external...