Neurologist Questions Neurologist

I have frequent headaches?

I have a headache on my left side around my ear and temple and down my neck just a little and in my eyebrow. Yesterday I had the same headache but on my right. It hurts mainly right in the front of my eat just under my temple. Should I be worried? I frequently get headaches but they are usually behind and above my eyes mostly and sometimes the back of my head.

Female | 21 years old
Complaint duration: 24 hours
Medications: None
Conditions: None

3 Answers

You likely have migraines. There are medications called triptans that have been out since the 1990s which can alleviate these headaches quickly. Some respond to high doses of NSAIDS like Ibuprofen or Naproxen. Nowadays, there is a new class of medications called CGRP inhibitors to ward off these headaches. If the headache frequency reaches around 4 or more days per month, then headache preventative medications should be in order. You should be evaluated be a neurologist, preferably by one that specializes in headache management.
these sound like migraines. please consider seeing a neurologist for them.
In general, we feel that if you have headaches on both sides of the head, it is less worrisome. However, any change in headache pattern merits a visit to your family doctor.