Podiatrist Questions Podiatrist

Broken toe or jammed?

I hurt my 2 middle toes and I don't know if they are broken?

Female | 12 years old

10 Answers

Go to an urgent care center and have them do X-rays. If they are broken then ask an orthopedic doctor. To do what is called buddy taping And give you a post-operative. Through to wear Or a surgical low profile boot. all the best.
Unlikely broken
Continue with your usual activities
please seek the consult of podiatrist asap for xray.
If the toe position looks like the other foot even if it’s a small fracture the chances of full healing in a few weeks is good.

It's best to be evaluated by a specialist
The way you would find that out is by getting an x-ray.
I recommend you discuss with your parents to make an appointment with a foot and ankle surgeon (podiatrist) ASAP for evaluation and treatment options
X-ray will tell you if it's broken or not. Toe fractures that aren’t open or very crooked usually don’t require surgical management.
Buddy splint your toes together for support. Take some Advil a couple times a day, and ice the toes every 3-4 hours for about 20 minutes. Most of the time, even if a toe is broken, it really does not require the care of a physician, as we usually don't do anything for the problem. If the pain lasts more than 4 weeks, go see a physician.
I would recommend going to nearest urgent care or ER with your parents or guardian for evaluation and possible X-rays.