Gastroenterologist Questions Diarrhea

I can't tell if it's diarrhea or something else?

So this morning I found that I pooped in my pants while sleeping, and I had a small pain in my stomach. I rushed to the toilet and then brown watery poo came out for about 30 minutes. I still have a small pain but I don't know what I should do.

Male | 14 years old
Complaint duration: 01/03/2018
Medications: Asthma puffers
Conditions: Asthmatic

6 Answers

A single event of this nature is nothihg to worry about. If it persists, it is probably a stomach flu. If it persists for more than a week, you should see your family doctor.
You need to see a pediatric gastroenterologist to work up these symptoms, especially if they have happened multiple times.
Have you been constipated? Sometimes watery liquid can come around a large stool that is further up and blocking the passage so only liquid can come through. While you were asleep the rectum can relax and let the liquid out. If not you could have a stomach virus or diarrhea from certain foods. If it persists you would need to be checked.
Tell your parents right away.
Not sure if you ate something bad or have a virus. Drink lots of water and if you have blood in your stool or fever go to your doctor
You may have one of many conditions, the commonest being viral gastroenteritis, food poisoning. If you’re unable to tolerate food and water then you may run the risk of dehydration. If the condition fails to improve after 24 hours then please get to the urgent care center or the ER. Feel better.