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Can I take Imodium instead of Ornidazole for diarrhea?

I am allergic to ornidazole, so is it safe for me to consume Imodium instead to control my diarrhea?

I am concerned about my liver. Should I take a test for hepatitis A and B?

Lately I've noticed my appetite decreasing and I am also having digestive issues off and on. I have a feeling that my liver function may be affected. Liver issues run in my family...

Can I have deworming tablets to keep my colon clean?

I want to be a little healthier with my colon, especially since I have colon cancer in my family. Do you recommend deworming pills to keep my colon clean?

Can celiac disease occur later in life?

Lately I am unable to digest wheat and cereals made up of wheat grain. I suddenly start getting diarrhea and also feel extremely tired and drained. Is it suggestive of celiac...

Can acid reflux be the reason behind my throat irritation?

I am experiencing a strange irritation in my throat. I am also having a lot of acid reflux this week. Could there be a connection between the two?

Are probiotics helpful in treating GERD?

A friend recently advised me to have a lot of probiotics to deal with my GERD problem. Does it really help? How much or what brand should I take?

I can't tell if it's diarrhea or something else?

So this morning I found that I pooped in my pants while sleeping, and I had a small pain in my stomach. I rushed to the toilet and then brown watery poo came out for about 30...

Is GERD hereditary?

In my family, most of us have acidity and other stomach related issues. I have recently been diagnosed with GERD. Could it have been hereditary?

Anal disease

Dear Sir Anal itching and pimples appear near the anus opening. It's size is increasing. There is no bleeding and all. Which specialist doctor do I have to consult?

Why does my stomach hurt often?

Lately I have been experiencing an unusual pain in my stomach often that lasts for a few minutes throughout the day, and then subsides on its own. Is it gastric or could it be...

Post-colonosocopy bleeding

Male, 67, 12 polyps removed during colonoscopy - Patient is on Warfarin. . . titrated down with lovenox, back up with 2 X Lovenox and 3 X 2mg Coumadin -- Post procedure bleeding...

My father is 84 years old and bedridden. He is having diarrhea since yesterday. What should we do?

My father is 84 years old and is suffering from diarrhea since yesterday. He has stopped eating for the fear of it happening again. What should I do? We have asked a local doctor...

How often should I do a endoscopy to know the health of the digestive system?

I underwent an endoscopy about 8 years ago when I was diagnosed with GERD. I have been controlling this because of a few medications, but I'm wondering if I need to do an endoscopy...

I end up with loose motions every time I eat spicy food. Please advice what could be the reason for the same?

I am having loose motions every time I eat spicy food. My stomach even hurts whenever I eat food with too much spices. While I can control it at home, when I go outside I am...

Can you suggest natural remedies to protect the gut?

I am worried about the gut health of my family. I'm not sure if there are general precautionary measures we should be taking or food we should avoid. I've started introducing...

Stomach flu

My stomach is very sick I have a stomach flu I keep throwing up and also I have diarrhea and can't hold anything down. I keep throwing up everything and my bowl movement is watery....

I am a 27 year old man and am about 53 lbs overweight. I have noticed some blood in my stools. Could it be polyps or cancer?

I am 27 years old and my diet and lifestyle is extremely unhealthy. I have recently noticed blood in my stools. Could this be a sign of polyps, or cancer? I'm unsure of what...

Does IBS require surgery?

My father in law has been detected with IBS and his bowel movements are extremely erratic-- they tire him out completely. Is a surgery recommended for him?

Should I give my entire family a probiotic drink to keep their gut healthy?

I have been considering giving a probiotic drink for my entire family to improve their gut health. Are there any side effects of probiotic drinks?

For someone with diarrhea, how often should oral rehydration salts be given?

My father has been having diarrhea since last night and is on medication for it. Since it is due to a stomach infection, the doctor says it will take some time to settle. How...

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