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Why are the soles of my feet sore when I wake up?

I'm 45, and the soles of my feet are typically sore when I wake up. They hurt for about 30 minutes and then the pain disappears. Why does this happen?

What's the difference between scoliosis and kyphosis?

I'm 30 years old, and my doctor diagnosed me a spine curvature disorder called kyphosis. I thought it was similar to scoliosis, but he told me that they were different disorders....

Should I see a doctor for my shoulder pain?

I'm 27 and I fell from a handstand, and most of the weight fell onto my shoulder. I can still move my arm, but it's just very painful. Should I see a doctor for my shoulder pain?...

What are the symptoms of a spine injury?

I think I have a spine injury. The other day I was in a really bad car accident that brought me to the hospital. I didn't break anything though and I was, for the most part,...

Why does my wrist hurt when I twist it?

I'm 23, and I spend a large amount of lifting where I work and now I have pain in my right wrist every time I twist it. What can be the cause?

Is tennis elbow a chronic condition?

I play tennis quite frequently and a few months ago, I was diagnosed with tennis elbow. Since then I did exactly what the doctor told me to do, pain relievers and physical therapy,...

What orthopedic shoes are best?

I want to start to wear orthopedic shoes to support my feet, since I'm always on them throughout my day. Which orthopedic shoes do you recommend?

What can I do about the labral tear in my hip?

An MRI found a labral tear in my hip, and the pain in my hip is becoming unbearable. What can I do about the labral tear in my hip? What are some treatment options?

Can surgery help degenerative disc disease?

I was diagnosed with degenerative disc disease just recently, and I'm currently taking physical therapy to help improve my condition. Would I need surgery for this in the future?...

What can I do to alleviate the pain from herniated disc?

I injured my back over a year, and I have a herniated disc that causes pain frequently. What kind of treatments are available for this? Is there anything I can do to alleviate...

Why do I have sudden pain in my knees after a long walk?

I have sudden pain every time I take a massive walk, but it generally subsides after I rest for a bit. It doesn't seem to happen every time I walk. What's causing it?

Should my child's knee be examined?

My son is 9 years old and he's been experiencing some strange symptoms with his knee. He's told me that he hears a popping sound and often gives out. Should we have it examined?...

How long does it take for carpal tunnel syndrome to go away?

I am a 33 year old female and my doctor diagnosed me with carpal tunnel. I'm wearing a brace right now to help it. Will this ever go away?

Why does my back sometimes ache when I am trying to sleep?

I am a 30-year-old male, and sometimes when I am sleeping, or trying to go to sleep my back aches. What could be causing this? Could it just be that I'm sleeping the long way?...

Are there any stretches I can do to correct shoulder pain?

I'm 25, and I have been experiencing shoulder pain since I started playing on my softball team (I mainly pitch). I think the pain is from the strain I put on my shoulder. Are...

Can my repetitive strain injury be treated with arthroscopy?

I have a repetitive strain injury from work and I just learned about arthroscopic procedures. Could this treat my RSI?

Why does my back ache constantly?

I'm 25 years old and male. About two years ago I started getting minor back aches in the lower portion of my back. What could be causing this, and how can I try to treat it?...

How much rest is needed before my back pain goes away?

I'm a 42 year old writer and my back always hurts, probably because of my posture while I'm sitting down. What can be the cause? How much rest should help?

Why does my knee hurt so often?

I'm 23 years old and male. I played soccer for like 10 years or longer. I never had a major injury or anything during the time I played, but now my knee hurts very often. Why...

Can one reset a broken pelvis?

My sister was in an accident, and now she's in the hospital with a broken pelvis. She needs to have surgery for this. How long will it take for her pelvis to heal at home after...

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