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Why does my knee feel suddenly weak and buckle?

I'm only 35, and my left knee feels very weak and it would often give out rather suddenly. Could I have damaged my knee? Should I see a doctor?

Does scoliosis get worse as you age?

I'm undergoing chiropractic treatment to help my scoliosis. I'm 28 years old, and I was diagnosed with scoliosis about a month ago. If I don't get this treated now, would it...

What causes bones to crack?

I'm 20 years old and male, and I've realized that I have extremely creaky bones and joints, which causes them to crack every so often. What's causing this?

What should we do for son's Achilles tendinitis?

My son regularly plays sports, and we took him to the doctor once he started to experience heel pain and tenderness. He was diagnosed with Achilles tendinitis, but the doctor...

Is it normal for scar to itch constantly after knee surgery?

I had surgery on my knee to repair a ligament last month, and my scar has started being itchy all the time. Is this normal? Will it go away on its own?

Why does my right knee feel stiff in the morning?

I'm 37, and for the last couple of weeks, I noticed that my right knee has been very stiff. Particularly in the mornings. I don't think I injured it in any way. What could be...

What can I do to get rid of water in my knee?

After I noticed some swelling from an injury, I went to the doctor and he said that there's fluid in my knee (he called it knee effusion). He said that it'll go away eventually...

Acute, above the knee, pain. Sudden onset?

Acute knee pain, R. lateral & to the R of the patella on femur above knee joint, small area of tenderness, suspect irritated bursa or strained ligament. Very very painful to...

How can I reduce the growth of hammer toe?

After taking off my shoes, I noticed that I was developing a hammer toe. How can I fix this?

What could be wrong with my wrist?

I'm 28 years old, and there is a bad pain in my right wrist. If I touch it the pain gets worse and I feel like a grinding or grating when I move it. What could be wrong with...

Is the pain in my elbow bursitis?

I have a constant pain in my left elbow. It seems to go all the way around the joint. Is this bursitis?

What can I do about tendinitis?

I was diagnosed with tendinitis about a month ago, and my hand is hurting really badly. Is there anything I can do for it to help it heal?

My knee hurts a lot, what can I do?

I am an 18-year-old male. My knee hurts so bad, and I don't feel like I have injured it in any way. At least not recently. What can I do? Should I see a doctor?

What causes fluid in the elbow?

I'm 50, and my elbow seems to be full of fluid. It's swelling. What causes fluid in the elbow?

Do I need a brace to correct my scoliosis?

I've had scoliosis since I was a kid and it hasn't gone away. How can I treat it? Do I need a brace to treat this?

How can I reduce the swelling from a sprained finger?

I'm a 37-year-old male. I play baseball and I sprained my finger at our game two days ago. What can I do to reduce swelling?

What does it mean if my discogram is positive?

I just received the results of my discogram, and it came back positive. My doctor wants me to come in this week to speak about the next steps, but I can't wait. What does a positive...

How do you prevent osteoporosis?

My grandfather was diagnosed with osteoporosis, and I'm wondering if there's a chance that I could get it. Is it hereditary? How can I prevent it as I get it older?

Do all spinal pains require a discogram?

I've been having back pain for years, and my doctor wants to do a discogram. Do all spinal pains usually require a discogram?

Can I do anything for a broken toe?

I stubbed my toe on a table and I think its broken. If it's broken, is there anything a doctor can do or will it heal on its own? Can I do anything for it at home?

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