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Nerve pain

Could you have nerve pain in your hands and both feet after a ORIF ankle surgery

Warm tendon, no pain??

I have EDS, and recently started working out. I accidentally overworked myself pretty bad, and had some really bad soreness. I had trouble walking etc, I was worried I had strained...

Broke or not

I was bend down and I fell forward but out my hand saved myself Ban it off side off cabinet My wrist round borne is swollen a bit my hand is cold not same colour as opposite...

Leg swollen in back by calfs

My leg is swollen by my calf has a lot of pressure and hurts. What to do be sides elevated and take aleve

Chronic arm pain

I am 43 years old, and a semi regular rock climber. I have been experiencing what I believe is bicep tendonitis at my elbow for a few years now. No amount of rest time, stretching,...

Ankle Pain

I sprained my ankle in April pitching in softball. It healed a while ago but sometimes when I playing sports or going up stairs and sometimes when I'm just walking, a shooting...

Surgical screws causing pain

I've been experiencing severe knee pain and I think it's because of the screws that were put in to help a fracture heal. My knee swells up and the areas that the screws are in...

Knee pain arthritis

Really bad knee pain / arthritis I’ve had it since I was a teenager ibuprofen and I take hydrocodone

Back pain

I am a male aged 49. I been having pain hip down to my right leg for the past two weeks, I've used ointment and diclofenac but I haven't' got any relief. What should do?

Shin splints

Do you have any tips do help reduce pain from shin splints.

Swollen hands

I've noticed my hands have been. very swollen lately. I have a sharp pain from my left shoulder blade that shoots down my left arm and causes my fingertips to tingle. Both hands...

Possible fracture

I crack my bones too much I’m not sure if I fractured a bone in my foot , but sometimes when I walk it hurts a little

Cramping in left groin

I have a lot of pain in my left groin for the last seven to eight days. Cramping while walking and sitting. Please suggest some medicines.

Sons Broken elbow

My son broke this arm Thursday. We are waiting for our follow up appointment. I am wondering if he might need surgery based on looking at his X-ray

Losing control/movement of left leg

I'm slowly losing movement/control over my left leg. It started with foot drop, but now it's affecting my whole leg. It hurts when I try to lift it to walk up stairs or when...

Sharp burning pain on both of Thighs mostly at night

Sharp burning pain on both thighs, medication gabapentin twice daily, naproxen at night for the last year. I am 79-year-old male. I have had back surgery next surgery knee surgery

Intense hip pain

I have degenerative discs in lower spine. I have been getting intense pain in the outside of my left hip. Had one xray from above over pelvic area, doctor says nothing wrong...

Armpit and arm pain

Right arm pain and numbness starting in armpit moving down the underside of my arm with no known injury or trauma , is this something that needs urgently checked?

What could I have possibly?

I just had an ANA 1: 160H dense speckled so my doctor sent me for more test. They came back normal so now the doctor is saying I probably don’t have lupus. I’m attaching the...

Back pain and narcotics online

Have had back pain for two weeks now. Can I get prescribed narcotics for the pain?

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