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What could be the cause of an enlarged uterus?

I am a 29 year old female and my gynecologist told me that my uterus is enlarged. What could be the cause?

How do you treat a fever while pregnant?

I am a 28 year old pregnant woman and I don't know what medicine you can take while pregnant. How do you treat a fever while pregnant?

What are the earliest signs of pregnancy?

I am a 25 year old female and I am trying to get pregnant. What are the earliest signs of pregnancy?

Which surgery is best for uterus removal?

I am a 49 year old female and I keep forming fibroids in my uterus. Which surgery is best for uterus removal?

How long does a hysterectomy last?

I am a 58 year old female and I will have a hysterectomy next month. How long does a hysterectomy last?

What could be the cause of vaginal discharge?

I am a 29 year old female who often notices vaginal discharge. What could be the cause of vaginal discharge? Should I see a doctor?

What are the side effects of birth control pills?

I am a 17 year old female who is thinking about starting birth control pills. What are the side effects of birth control pills?

Can you harvest eggs after a hysterectomy?

I'm a 29 year old woman who was just diagnosed with ovarian cancer. I may have to get a hysterectomy as a result, but I still want to have my own children. Will it be possible...

Is abdominal pain common after a miscarriage?

I lost my child to a miscarriage about two months ago. Since then, I've been having on-again off-again pain in my lower abdomen area. Is abdominal pain common after a miscarriage?...

My baby was born 6 weeks early, what are the risks?

My baby was born at 34 weeks and we are worried if she will have any health problems. What health issues could she develop from being a premature baby?

Can pregnant women see a chiropractor?

I am a 29-year-old female. I am pregnant, but my back has been hurting bad lately. Can pregnant women see a chiropractor?

Is it safe to take Ibuprofen during pregnancy?

I'm planning to start a family soon and was wondering if taking Ibuprofen is safe during pregnancy?

Does natural family planning (NFP) work?

I would like some opinions from OB/GYN or any physician that knows about NFP. My husband and I are considering NFP. Does natural family planning (NFP) work?

Why am I having pelvic pain?

I have taken several HPTs because I was 10 days late for my period. The first few were very faint positive and all the tests after that have been negative. I've been experiencing...

Should I be concerned about vaginal bleeding?

While having sex the other week, I started to bleed. I felt no pain but a moment I had to tell him to stop or slow down. Should I be concerned about vaginal bleeding?

Why does my vagina smell?

Sometimes my vagina smells very badly, and I think it's mainly from the discharge. Why does my vagina's discharge smell?

Why am I bleeding after intercourse?

I had protected sex and afterwards I saw bright red blood. Why am I bleeding after intercourse? Should I see a doctor?

When is decreased fetal movement a concern?

I'm 35 weeks pregnant. About 2 weeks ago, after a day of feeling crappy and sleeping a lot, I notice my baby didn't move as much. When is decreased fetal movement a concern?...

Why is my vagina swollen and itchy?

I don't have painful or burning urination and I have no discharge. My vagina is just swollen, red and there is an itch. Why is my vagina swollen and itchy?

Can an inflamed uterus make it hard to go to the bathroom?

I have an inflamed uterus. Can an inflamed uterus make it hard for me to go to the bathroom?

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