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Can a psychologist help a child with autism?

My daughter was diagnosed with autism. Can a psychologist help a child with autism?

What is the best treatment for schizophrenia?

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. What is the best treatment for schizophrenia?

Can a behavioral psychologist treat anxiety?

I have anxiety and want to treat it. Can a behavioral psychologist treat anxiety?

Can a marriage survive without counseling?

I have problems with my husband and want to save the marriage. Can a marriage survive without counseling?

What is the best therapy for fear?

I have a flying phobia and want to treat it. What is the best therapy for fear?

What is the treatment for schizophrenia?

My friend has schizophrenia and I want to help him. What is the treatment for schizophrenia?

What kind of therapy is best for autism?

My daughter was diagnosed with autism. Is it serious? What kind of therapy is best for autism?

What is the treatment for aggressive behavior?

I have aggressive behavior and want to treat it. What are the treatment options?

Does cognitive-behavioral therapy help with aggression?

My daughter has had aggressive behavior lately. Does cognitive-behavioral therapy help with aggression?

When should you see a counselor for anxiety?

I have anxiety and want to treat it. When should you see a counselor for anxiety?

What is the best treatment for alcoholics?

My friend is an alcoholic and I want to help her. What is the best treatment for alcoholics?

Do counseling psychologists treat depression?

I have depression and want to treat it. Do counseling psychologists treat depression?

What does a psychologist do for learning disabilities?

My daughter has a learning disability. What does a psychologist do for learning disabilities?

How do you treat geriatric anxiety?

My grandmother has anxiety. How do you treat geriatric anxiety?

Which therapy is most effective for panic attacks?

I have panic attacks and want to treat them. Which therapy is most effective for panic attacks?

Do children of divorce need therapy?

I and my husband are divorced and we have a daughter. Do children of divorce need therapy?

I have a psychotic friend?

I have a friend, my oldest friend since we were 12, whom I have observed to mentally deteriorate over many years. This person has violent tendencies with a history of domestic...

Can CBT help with obesity?

I have obesity and want to fix it. Can CBT help with obesity?

How would a behavioral psychologist treat nail biting?

I bite my nails too often and want to fix it. How would a behavioral psychologist treat nail-biting?

Does behavioral therapy work for autism?

My daughter has autism and I want to help her. Does behavioral therapy work for autism?

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