How Safe is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a popular cosmetic procedure that helps to remove undesirable fat deposits from different parts of the body. Removing excess fat deposits gives the skin a smoother and better appearance. Also known as body contouring, this procedure is often done on parts of the body, including the hips, abdomen, buttocks, face, neck, chin, and thighs. It still remains one of the most common cosmetic procedures conducted in the country. Contrary to common belief, this is not a weight loss method, but a procedure to remove fat from specific parts of the body. It is not a recommended method for controlling obesity or removing cellulite. The procedure is usually focused on specific areas of the body that do not respond to diet or exercise. Also, if you want to go for a non-surgical body contouring procedure sono bello is one good alternative. Cost of Sono bello treatments varies for every individual depending on the procedure.
Other than reshaping or contouring the body, liposuction is also used in treating certain medical conditions:
- Fatty tumors
- Gynecomastia or enlargement of breasts in males
- Issues with metabolism
- Excessive sweating in armpits
This procedure is very useful and effective in removing fat deposits from small areas of the body. But the bulges in those specific parts may return if the person regains the lost weight after a period of time. Some of the changes in the body shape may be immediately visible after the surgery. The full effects on body contouring are seen only a few months after the surgery. In most cases, the skin remains loose after the procedure, giving a saggy appearance. The tightening of skin in the area depends on flexibility, which varies depending on the individual.
The procedure is generally safe, and one should always get it done by an experienced hand in a well equipped clinic. The procedure may result in some complications, particularly if the area for contouring is large, or if the procedure has to be conducted in multiple areas of the body.
The common side effects of liposuction include:
- Swelling and bruising of the treated area
- Scarring and irritation in the area after the procedure
- Sagging of the skin, in some cases
- Changes in skin color in the treated area
- Formation of uneven surfaces on the skin
- Burning or damage to the skin
In most cases, the patients are happy with the results of the procedure. This is particularly true if it is conducted by an experienced doctor, and there are no complications. The best candidate for this procedure is an individual with flexible skin and a good skin tone. Moreover, the person should be in good health condition without much variation in body weight.