What Are the Benefits of Botox?

Since its invention in the 1980s, Botox has become one of the most popular cosmetic procedures for anyone who wants to look younger. Initially used for treating spastic eyelids, this procedure has come a long way in treating many a problems with beauty. It is considered to be the best in anti-aging treatments.
Some of the latest and new applications of this medical cosmetic treatment includes:
- Widening eyes – Injecting a small amount of Botox to the center of lower lash line is found to be useful to give a wider look to the eyes and a better shape. This is a more permanent and convenient procedure than using eye shadows to improve the look.
- Improve the shape of the nose – Plastic surgery was the most popular option when somebody wanted to change the shape of the nose to make it look better. Botox along with appropriate fillers are now used to give that better look for nose. Some dermatologists use Botox to make an upturned nose slope downward. Botox is effective in straightening the nose for a better look.
- Good smile – Rigid and strong facial muscles often result in a floppy or imperfect smile showing upper gums which can very well be corrected by injecting small amount of Botox. Botox is injected around the upper lip and to the area above the chin. This prevents over-lifting of upper lip while smiling. This should be done by an experienced cosmetologist as too much of Botox injection to the upper lip can flatten the lips and make the look worse.
- Smooth skin – One of the latest additions to the many benefits of Botox is the ability to smoother wrinkles and shrinking acne pores. Plastic surgeon use small amounts of Botox to paralyze the oil-glands on the skin which eventually reduces the pore size of acne