Ramona Whan - Questions about Acupuncture
Ramona M. Whan, L.AC., MSTOM, is an acupuncturist practicing in Wildomar, CA. Ramona evaluates and treats patients based on the concepts of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncturists complete their evaluations by getting a full patient history, asking questions about the presenting issue, completing a short Western medical... more
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a complete holistic medical system based on Traditional Chinese Medicine which has been practiced for thousands of years.
What is Qi?
Qi is vital energy that flows through the body. It protects the body from illness, pain, and disease. Qi circulates through specific pathways called meridians.
What effects healthy Qi?
Physical and emotional trauma, stress, overexertion, sedentary lifestyle, excessive exercise, diet, and even seasonal changes can negatively affect the healthy flow of Qi.
What to expect during acupuncture?
During the initial exam a full past medical history will be taken as well as a history of the presenting illness. Questions will be asked regarding symptoms and lifestyle.
What is Traditional Chinese Medicine?
Cupping stimulates the flow of Qi and blood in the superficial muscle layers. Tui Na is a massage technique "push and grasp" that moves Qi. Gua Sha also releases muscle tension.
How are acupuncturists educated?
Acupuncturists attend a 3 to 4 year graduate program at nationally certified schools. The program is focused on Western medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
How safe is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an extremely safe, all-natural, drug-free therapy with little to no side effects. Since needles are single-use and sterile, there is no danger of infection.
What does acupuncture treat?
Acupuncture treats a variety of medical issues: post chemo or radiation symptoms, abdominal pain, allergies, Bell's palsy, morning sickness, dysmenorrhea, infertility, and more.