51 years
Dr. Patricia Scheider, M.D.
- Saint Francisville, LA
- La State Univ Sch of Med In New Orleans, New Orleans La
- Accepting new patients
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How long is a child contagious with Mono?
Mononucleosis is contagious by respiratory droplets while the patient is clinically ill.
What do I do if my child has a food allergy?
Treatment of a good allergy typically means complete avoidance of the food. Definitely discuss this with your pediatrician or your allergist.
What can you give a child for conjunctivitis?
Conjunctivitis or pink eye is inflammation of the superficial area of the eye. Redness and drainage can be from allergy-- usually itching is present, irritation, viral infections READ MORE
Conjunctivitis or pink eye is inflammation of the superficial area of the eye. Redness and drainage can be from allergy-- usually itching is present, irritation, viral infections - lots of mucus draining from eyes and occasionally bacterial- very red, very painful and associated w fever and signs of illness Viral conjunctivitis usually lasts about 5 days and is contagious like a cold Artificial tears, cool compresses are helpful. There are several otc eye allergy eye drops that may be helpful if eyes are itchy An old home remedy is to make tea w tea bags, then saturate cotton balls in the tea and use as compresses on the eye or use the tea bags RED FLAGs which merit immediate medical attention are extreme redness, pain. Visual disturbances , cloudy cornea
Dr lost vaccination records
it will not harm your baby to repeat the immunizations again. Insist that the office to give you the record of what your baby is receiving at the time of the office visit. Where READ MORE
it will not harm your baby to repeat the immunizations again. Insist that the office to give you the record of what your baby is receiving at the time of the office visit. Where do you live?
5 year old with low oxygen level
Sounds like chronic asthma and she is used to being in the yellow zone. She needs to see her doctor or ED as soon as possible for chest X-ray and appropriate asthma regimen. She READ MORE
Sounds like chronic asthma and she is used to being in the yellow zone. She needs to see her doctor or ED as soon as possible for chest X-ray and appropriate asthma regimen. She is at risk of decompensating with life threatening results
Veins in torso of a 4 year old boy that suddenly showed up
This could be a sign of liver disease and you should seek medical attention. His abdomen appears to be distended as well
I would not recommend the use of this medication in babies because it can slow breathing.
Does she have acid reflux? How much does she weigh and how much formula does she take and how often? Does she spit up? How are her stools. Need more information?
Son was stung by bee
Due to 2 stings close together in time , he had a mild allergic reaction. I would give him diphenhydramine or cetirizine until the swelling has resolved. I would consult your pediatrician READ MORE
Due to 2 stings close together in time , he had a mild allergic reaction. I would give him diphenhydramine or cetirizine until the swelling has resolved. I would consult your pediatrician for further recommendations
Toddler swallowed jagged plastic
It can take up to a week for a foreign body to pass through the gut. If he is feeling well, eating and stooling well, I would wait a few days. If the plastic piece is small, it READ MORE
It can take up to a week for a foreign body to pass through the gut. If he is feeling well, eating and stooling well, I would wait a few days. If the plastic piece is small, it may pass unnoticed. Watch for vomiting, abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing or blood in his stools. Plastic does not show up on X-ray, so an X-ray would not help if he is asymptomatic The most dangerous things for toddlers to swallow are small watch or camera batteries or small magnets in toys. Those should be treated immediately. The National poison control center is a toll free number and provides excellent advice
Will irregular heartbeat go away?
That is a very broad question. If she has sinus arrhythmia which is heart speeding up with breathing in and lungs expanding and heart slowing down with breathing out and lung's READ MORE
That is a very broad question. If she has sinus arrhythmia which is heart speeding up with breathing in and lungs expanding and heart slowing down with breathing out and lung's getting smaller , then this is normal and nothing to worry about. You should discuss this with your child's pediatrician. There are several types of irregular heart beat that are not normal and may need to be evaluated and treated
Why does my baby have green eye discharge?
Eye drainage comes from the tear ducts which are also connected to the nose. If the whites of the eyes are pink, this may be pink eye. If the whites of the eyes are white and there READ MORE
Eye drainage comes from the tear ducts which are also connected to the nose. If the whites of the eyes are pink, this may be pink eye. If the whites of the eyes are white and there is a green runny nose the this may be a sinus infection. If the baby appears I'll the baby should be seen by pediatrician. Is the baby is happy and not ill appearing, then you can see if it resolves on its own with saline eye drops and saline nasal spray
Can I give my 6 month old cough syrup?
Cough syrup is not recommended for babies. Cool mist humidifier and saline nose spray is recommended for colds and coughs. If there is labor med breathing see your pediatrician READ MORE
Cough syrup is not recommended for babies. Cool mist humidifier and saline nose spray is recommended for colds and coughs. If there is labor med breathing see your pediatrician immediately
Can teething cause crying?
Teething may be painful
What's the best pain relief for teething baby?
Biting on cold wash rag or cold teething toy.
Do babies get fever when teething?
Occasionally babies may have low grade fever with teething. Any temperature above 101 is from a virus or another infection.
Can I give my baby calpol everyday for teething?
I am not familiar with calpol
Are speech delays and disorders caused in the womb or after birth?
This is a complicated question. If your daughter was premature or had any complications during labor and delivery, A pediatric neurologist could investigate further. Ear infections READ MORE
This is a complicated question. If your daughter was premature or had any complications during labor and delivery, A pediatric neurologist could investigate further. Ear infections can result in intermittent hearing loss which can contribute to speech delays. So her hearing will need to be monitored Many children who were born during the COVid pandemic were isolated and did not hear as much language as usual.Babies need to see the mouths of people talking and be exposed to a lot of language to have good speech and language development. Is your daughter responding to speech therapy? Has your pediatrician recommended neurological or genetic evaluation? Many years of speech and language therapy may be needed for her to develop good speech. Do not get discouraged. starting at 3 years of age most school systems provide speech therapy if needed
Why does my child always have a blocked nose?
Spray saline spray in your child's nose several x a day. I your child s nose does not clear after a few days, please consult with your child's pediatrician
Can stomach viruses come back?
There are a number of different stomach viruses but a cirus may lead to a malabsorption syndrome. The child may have a parasite or an infection. If your child has lost weight or READ MORE
There are a number of different stomach viruses but a cirus may lead to a malabsorption syndrome. The child may have a parasite or an infection. If your child has lost weight or is pale or has ongoing abdominal pain, he may need to see a pediatric gastroenterologist for further evaluation