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Dr. Ernest Katz, PHD

Psychologist | Clinical

<p>Dr. Ernest Katz is an experienced and well-trained clinical psychologist practicing in Los Angeles, CA. Dr. Katz specializes in the treatment of behavioral and mental health challenges in adults, adolescents, children, and families.&nbsp; Using a cognitive behavioral approach,&nbsp; Dr. Katz helps his clients learn how thoughts, feelings, and behavior can be managed to help us cope more effectively with difficult and traumatic experiences.&nbsp; Dr Katz is an expert in working with issues related to anxiety, stress, depression, and reactions to difficult life experiences, including serious medical illness or loss.&nbsp; Using a variety of well-validated clinical strategies, including mindfulness and clinical hypnosis, Dr. Katz helps his clients move forward in their lives, relationships, and school or work settings.&nbsp; With a strong academic background, Dr. Katz keeps pace with the emerging neuroscience of mind and body to help support positive health and wellness.</p>
45 years Experience
Dr. Ernest Katz, PHD
  • Los Angeles,, California
  • University of Southern Calif
  • Accepting new patients

Helping Ourselves, Helping Our Children: Psychological Coping with Crisis, War, and Uncertainty

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