The Atom

Dr. Cándido Otero Pathologist Roseburg, OR

Dr. Cándido L. Otero is a retired pathologist in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Otero is a doctor who specializes in the study of bodily fluids and tissues. As a pathologist, Dr. Otero did two Fellowships, the first Fellowship was Cytopathology, the study of the cell, at Shans Jacksonville, Florida and the second Felllowship, Oncological... more

We are fragments of universal light energy, the undetermined consciousness, sub-atomic particles which are creator of the atom. They becomes a determined consciousness, which is the creator of our state of being, and is what and who we are in the universe. We are all entangled with everything and anything, that exist, being in existence and will ever exist. We are all one. 

What is energy? How can we categorically say that we are energy, matter, or both? Do you think that we really are alive, dead, or both? What relation, if any, we, as energy and matter have with the universe, and how does it work? There are so many questions that we don’t ask ourselves and rightly so. Maybe because either we do not understand, or we don’t have the time to find out or simply the lack of motivation to get an answer. There are zillions of excuses not to learn who we are and what is your mission in life. 

Going back to the first question, what is energy, and how is this energy related to us as human being? Well, as I uttered in my initial on this book, energy is the universal light, better identified as the universal mind/consciousness, which is originated from sub-atomic particles that creates the atom. The atom is composed of a proton, neutrons, electrons, alpha particles, quarks, and many others. The way these atoms behave are totally at random, including the sub-atomic particles reacting with each other. An atom is composed of a single proton, a single neutron, and multiple electrons of which 99.999 percent of that atom is space. Within this space, multiple electrons, and sub-atomic particles such as alpha particles and quarks interact with each other. The atom is so small that it cannot be seeing even with the potent microscope. At present time, the beans that are generated by an atomic force electron microscope creates three dimensional images of an individual atoms.

Envisioning the atom in the most simplistic way is like imagining the solar system where the nucleus is extremely dense and heavy, surrounded by the electrons that are anchored by its gravitational force. Now what would be a great riddle to solve? Does the atom die? First, we should not use the word dead on something that changes its properties. Why? Because energy is neither created nor destroyed just transformed. 

We are an intelligent energy created by those sub-atomic particles that makes the atom.  The atom makes molecules, molecules make cells, and cells make tissue and organ systems including the brain with the limbic system which is what is keeping our heart pumping, so we are alive, a vibrating matter.  By the way, everything that you see and don’t see is alive. The only change is the vibrational state of the matter.

These intriguing assessments and questions regarding our existence and more is going to be disclosed in my new book coming soon. "Do you know who we are."