Avoid Succumbing to These Five Temptations For Optimum Oral Health

Dr. Tanzania Davis Dentist | General Practice Bowie, MD

Dr. Tanzania Davis is a Dentist practicing in Bowie, MD. Dr. Davis specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures,... more

Would you agree that there are few things more dazzling than a stunning smile? Most of us love the idea of being able to showcase the kind of pearly whites that light up a room, and obtaining optimum oral health is a welcome companion of such radiance. That's why we floss, attend teeth cleaning appointments, use whitening treatments, and arrive at our twice-yearly dental checkups with bells on—even if the dentist's chair is not our favorite place to be!

And yet, all too often in my dentistry practice, I find that even the most diligent among my patients still face dental health challenges. Despite striving to do their absolute best with oral hygiene, unwelcome issues such as cavities, bleeding gums, or cracked teeth still arise. It's clear that something is amiss, so what might the problem be? More often than not, a little guided soul-searching quickly illuminates where their careful tooth care regimen came off the tracks.

You see, life is full of temptations, and if practicing dentistry has taught me anything, it's that it is human nature to err—especially when we don't fully understand the consequences of our actions! However, the key to solving this quandary is pleasingly poetic. While many of life's missteps tend to be temptations that engage the senses, we can also harness our sensorial superpowers in the name of obtaining optimum oral health. By simply becoming more attuned to the classic signals already at our disposal, we can sidestep the things most likely to sabotage a healthy and vibrant smile.

If you are passionate about maintaining your pearly whites, but experience frustration that you aren't enjoying the oral health you aspire to, then I invite you to become a little more dialed into your five senses. The common mistakes that we're about to explore can yield the need for deep cleaning, fillings, and other major dental work. Not to mention, even if you haven't experienced such oral health problems just yet, there's no time like the present to get proactive about prevention. Let's see if you are falling prey to any of these tempting trouble-makers:

1. Hearing but Listening Unwisely
Living, as we do, in an era that is saturated with easy-access information, it's important to remember that there's good reason to listen to an expert first and foremost. This is especially vital when it comes to something as pivotal as your oral health, particularly when framed by the knowledge that some people in this world are out to make an easy buck. Sadly, the internet is home to a lot of bad oral care advice and poorly-made products that can do more harm than good. So, even when driven by the best of intentions, following a dental care fad without checking in with your dentist first can derail your oral wellbeing in a big way.

For this reason, it's key to talk openly with your dentist about your oral wellbeing and trust that what they tell you not only represents the very best interests of your sassiest smile but also thoughtfully tailored dental care. I've encountered far too many patients who followed the advice of well-meaning friends or resorted to a little DIY dentistry, only to find themselves in more trouble than when they began. As healthcare providers, we are here to help, so don't be afraid to ask questions—and know that undergoing a necessary treatment today will mean enjoying far better oral health tomorrow.

2. Seeing but Turning a Blind Eye
How often do you see something in life that you know is a red flag, but avoid dealing with it right away? Oftentimes, we can get away with a little avoidance here and there. However, it's never a good idea to take an ostrich's approach where our health is concerned.

Some of my patients confess that they saw bleeding gums during their usual home dental care routine, but rinsed and ignored them rather than making a dentist's appointment. Others noticed a dark spot on their tooth and self-diagnosed a stain rather than suspecting a cavity. In all likelihood, they were aware on some level that this was a risky tactic. If you know that you've been turning a blind eye to an oral health issue, now is the time to pull your head from the sand!

3. What You Don't Touch You Can't Feel
From time to time, I'll ask a patient about a lump or bump in their mouth, only to discover that they hadn't detected it at all. When it comes to this foible, I've found myself wondering, what is it with the inclination to avoid touching inside your mouth as if it were a freshly painted wall? The only way to know what's normal is to feel and explore, so don't be afraid to get tactile! Acting on oral health concerns is the best way to alleviate a problem that might otherwise progress. So, engage the sense of touch and investigate your mouth. That way, you can ensure that anything out of the ordinary is addressed right away.

4. Screening the Signal of Smell
It can take a lot of courage for a loved one to tell us if our breath smells unpleasant, but it's no cause for embarrassment—in fact, they're certainly doing us a favor! The onset of halitosis might be something that's picked up on by others or we may notice it ourselves. Whichever the case may be, it's important to be aware that this kind of odor is usually a sign that something is awry within the realm of your mouth mechanics. It can be tempting to cover up bad breath with mints, gum, and mouthwashes, but this won't address the underlying cause.

That unpleasant aroma may have arisen because bacteria is lurking within an undiscovered cavity, or inside a tissue pocket resulting from the onset of gum disease. Once bacteria move in, more damage will inevitably occur, so don't hesitate to visit the dentist and tackle the issue once and for all. With the right assistance, your breath will be fresh again before you know it. Oral odor is a common problem and not something to be ashamed of. It's simply a sign that you could use your dentist's help!

5. Dismissing a Change in Taste
Have you ever had the flu and lost your sense of taste? Losing the ability to detect flavors correctly is a strong indicator that our body is engaged in a battle of some kind. What many don't realize is that any alteration of taste needs to be checked out, even if it is a symptom that appears on its own.

I see countless cases where patients ignore this issue, brushing it off as related to age or medications that they are taking. The problem is that an unpleasant taste could be a sign that an infection is brewing while tasting something unusual—perhaps a metallic flavor—could be a sign of a deficiency or undetected medical issue. No matter the culprit, your dentist is ideally poised to get to the bottom of things. Once again, ignoring this crucial sensory power of detection may land you in far hotter water than anticipated.

Harnessing Your Senses On Behalf of a Beautiful Smile

Did you catch yourself out as having succumbed to a temptation or two? If so, you're not alone, but making the most of your sensory dexterity will offer a real boost when it comes to obtaining optimal oral health. Going the extra mile to ensure that you can smile with confidence is well worth the effort, and not only because it showcases both inner and outer beauty.

For example, did you know that the simple act of smiling releases a cascade of feel-good neurotransmitters? Allowing your facial expression to warm the hearts of those around you will reward you with endorphins, serotonin, and dopamine. As an added bonus, this positive shift in brain chemistry can actually aid you in warding off depression and keeping stress at bay.

Meanwhile, maintaining top-notch oral health is a powerful strategy for safeguarding your overall health and immunity. Many issues that originate in the mouth can cause problems elsewhere. So much so that we can view the mouth as a portal to the body, because bacteria that originate orally can quickly enter the bloodstream and wreak havoc as it continues on its journey. This invasion can in turn lead to a greater risk of heart disease and stroke, respiratory illness, kidney disease, and cancer. Poor oral health has also been associated with Alzheimer's, arthritis, and complications in pregnancy and fertility. With that in mind, you'll probably agree that your mouth deserves a fully-engaged set of senses|

The great news is that by dodging the temptations above and making an ally of your dental care provider, you can take a big leap in lessening the likelihood of health complications. The mechanics of the mouth and the workings of the body as a whole are intrinsically linked, so consider your dedication to oral health a radical act of self-care! With so many reasons to feel motivated, I wonder, is it time to revamp your oral hygiene routine? If the answer is yes, there's never been a better moment to take control of obtaining optimum oral health that will see you through the years yet to come. Your brightly-smiling future self will thank you for it.