Dr. Lawrence Shall, MD
Dr. Lawrence Shall is a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner in Virginia Beach, VA. As a Sports Medicine Family Practitioner, Dr. Shall is trained to assess, diagnose, prevent, and treat sports injuries in patients of all ages, and refer those patients to further services if needed. Sports Medicine Family Practitioners must complete specialized training in order to help each patient maximize function and improve quality of life.
44 years
Dr. Lawrence Shall, MD
- Virginia Beach, VA
- Medical College of Ohio
- Accepting new patients
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Is it better to get a massage or see a chiropractor for muscle knots?
I'd start with the massage and go to chiropractor if it doesn't work. Make sure you don't have blood clots in your legs.
Why does my shoulder hurt after chiropractic adjustment?
if there is an injury an adjustment will not help
When should I be concerned about swollen ankles?
Both ankles swollen, it is usually a medical problem with the heart or kidneys or possibly a vascular problem. You need to see your primary care Dr.
How do I know if my back injury is serious?
If you have pain down the legs or if the pain lasts more than a couple of days, seek a doctor's evaluation.
What can a chiropractor do for bursitis?
Nothing more than a physical therapist can do.
How long is physical therapy after finger surgery?
Depends on the actual procedure. All finger surgery is not the same
How long after a back injury should you see a chiropractor?
When symptoms dictate an eval.
Which is better chiropractor or massage for a stiff shoulder?
Neither. A good physical therapist is probably best.
I dislocated my finger during basketball?
X-ray to rule out fracture and if not, a splint will do well, but you need a professional to make the splint.
Can walking on a sprained knee make it worse?
YES if the injury is bad enough
How to manage left arm pain?
Sounds like biceps tendinosis. If so, rest, rehab, time.
Which treatment is best for tennis elbow?
Rest,rehab, brace, injection
I have a ruptured bakers cyst?
I have small bumps on my hands and feet?
What helps ankle ligaments heal faster?
The usual; rest followed by rehab. Bracing can get back to activity sooner. Good health and nutrition is important. No smoking. Prayer.
How long does it take to recover from knee ligament tear without surgery?
It depends on which ligament. ACL depends on the patients activity level, but it probably won't heal. MCL, about 6 weeks.
Can chiropractors help shoulder bursitis?
Yes, if they follow the principals of rehab. Manipulation is of little value.
Can chiropractors help with ankle joint pain?
Yes, if they follow the principals of rehab/brace, manipulation will be of little value.
Is ACL surgery painful?
Somewhat, but with the multimodal pain managements (almost everybody uses today), the pain is very manageable.
Is a sleeve or strap better for tennis elbow?
Both are equal in their efficacy. See which you like better by trying both.