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Cze H. Low


Dr. Cze Low is an ophthalmologist practicing in Singapore, . Dr. Low specializes in eye and vision care. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Low can practice medicine as well as surgery. Opthalmologists can perform surgeries because they have their medical degrees along with at least eight years of additional training. Dr. Low can diagnose and treat diseases, perform eye operations and prescribe eye glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists can also specialize even further in a specific area of eye care.
Cze H. Low
  • National University of Singapore
  • Accepting new patients

Can low vitamin D also cause my vision to blur?

Yes you should see an eye doctor

Could my double vision and headaches indicate neuro opthalmic issues?

Yes, it could be neurological in nature. See a neurophathalmogiser.

What's involved in aftercare for refractive eye surgery?

Protect eyes with shields and apply antibiotics as prescribed

Ophthamologist surgeon VS retina surgeons

Both are specialists but for surgical treatment the retinal surgeons will be better

What should I do for the dust allergy that irritates my eyes?

Prevention is best. Hence, reduce exposure to dust by having no carpets at home, changing bedsheets and pillow cases at least twice per week, and no pets at all. Outdoors and READ MORE
Prevention is best. Hence, reduce exposure to dust by having no carpets at home, changing bedsheets and pillow cases at least twice per week, and no pets at all.
Outdoors and in springtime, you need to wear a dust mask or N95 mask. Allergy medication will help, too.

Is there a remedy for red eyes?

There are many causes of red eyes, from lack of sleep, to allergies, dry eyes, contact lenses complications and other diseases.

What is the difference between optometrist and an ophthalmologist?

Optometrists are eye practitioners who essentially do spectacles or contact lenses. Ophthalmogists or Ophthalmic Surgeons are medical doctors trained to diagnose, treat and operate READ MORE
Optometrists are eye practitioners who essentially do spectacles or contact lenses. Ophthalmogists or Ophthalmic Surgeons are medical doctors trained to diagnose, treat and operate on eyes.

Can doing eye exercises help my eyes?

No exercise can help apart from looking at distant objects to relax the eye and reduce eye muscle spasms that makes myopia worse. Hence avoid close work, handphones and computers. READ MORE
No exercise can help apart from looking at distant objects to relax the eye and reduce eye muscle spasms that makes myopia worse. Hence avoid close work, handphones and computers.

Why are my son’s eyes burning?

It's a bad idea to self medicate with rose water which may contain contaminated with bacteria. Only use sterile solutions on the eyes. Burning from allergy or infection or foreign READ MORE
It's a bad idea to self medicate with rose water which may contain contaminated with bacteria. Only use sterile solutions on the eyes. Burning from allergy or infection or foreign body should be seen and confirmed by an eye doctor before treatment.

Why do some people have dry eyes?

Dry eyes is due to many factors like hormonal issues, environmental, eyelid diseases, exposure to computers, handholds, infrequent blinking and inadequate fluid intake. Try to READ MORE
Dry eyes is due to many factors like hormonal issues, environmental, eyelid diseases, exposure to computers, handholds, infrequent blinking and inadequate fluid intake. Try to moisturise around her eyes, try frequently blinking, use artificial tears liberally. These measures will help but will not cure.

Why does my vision feel hazy in the morning?

Try seeing an eye doctor. One reason could be corneal swelling due to dystrophy.

My cylindrical number is changing every six months. What could be the cause for this?

It's possible. Check for keratoconus which is associated with frequent changes in cylinder power of the eye.

What should I do for the continuous sticky discharge from my eyes?

An infection or allergy could be the cause. Dryness also cause similar symptoms. Try Lubricants or see an eye doctor

My son has a black spot in the white portion of his eye. What is this spot?

It is likely to be a conjunctival mole. However if it grows larger, changes colour or bleeds, it could be a malignant melanoma. The former is likely. See your doctor again.

Can contact lenses be worn by an 8-year-old?

Yes it's possible, but there are risks like infection and blindness, if the cornea is damaged.

My mother is highly diabetic and is not able to see very clearly. Could it be the onset of glaucoma?

Diabetes causes cataracts, or retinal bleeding and less often glaucoma. The former is likely. See an eye doctor to confirm and treat.

I want to wear contacts

You should not wear them if your eyes hurt. Talk to your eye doctor for alternative treatments