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Dr. Robert Michael Hersh

Dentist | General Practice

Dr. Robert Hersh is a Dentist practicing in Brooklyn, New York. Dr. Hersh specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic procedures, and performing examinations, among many others.
Dr. Robert Michael Hersh
  • Brooklyn, New York
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Accepting new patients

Should I get my crown replaced after 7 years?

Should a crown need to be replaced after 7 years. That depends on whether there is something wrong with the crown, or the tooth under it. Examples: * Decay around or under the READ MORE
Should a crown need to be replaced after 7 years. That depends on whether there is something wrong with the crown, or the tooth under it. Examples: * Decay around or under the crown. * Poor fit of the crown causing an opening where food and bacteria can get in and stuck. Ideally a crown in an environment with good oral hygiene, should last much longer than 7 years, but there may be extenuating circumstances that could be less than ideal. Without more information, it is difficult to give an opinion on a particular case.

How many times should I get my bridge checked?

What kind of bridge is your bridge. Is it a fixed, cemented bridge, or a removable bridge? Either way, you should have regular checkups and gum maintenance. How frequently depends READ MORE
What kind of bridge is your bridge. Is it a fixed, cemented bridge, or a removable bridge? Either way, you should have regular checkups and gum maintenance. How frequently depends on a lot of factors and should be tailored to the particular patient. Factor to consider: 1. How good is your home care? Do you remove every speck of plaque, every day, on and between the teeth and under the gum line? That is very hard to do well, but that doesnt mean you should give up. 2. Do you have gum pockets greater than 3-4 mm deep? 3. Do your gums bleed when they are poked or probed with an instrument? How many bleeding spots do you have? 4. What is the pH of your saliva? Is it acidic, basic, or neutral? 5. Do you have a predisposition (such as family history) to gum disease? Generally it takes about 90 days after a thorough cleaning and scaling for the bacteria on the teeth and gums to grow back and mature to the point where they cause damage to the gums and the bone. So depending on the answers to the above questions, you may need to see the hygienist as often as every 3 months. If your home care is good and your gums & teeth are in good shape that can be extended to every 6, 9, or 12 months, depending on how much plaque and bleeding you develop. If you are asking about a removable bridge (denture), and you have teeth that require maintenance, it should be checked along with your teeth and gums. If you have full dentures and no teeth, and no particular problems, you should be seen every year or two, just to make sure the fit is still good and you havent developed any sores that you dont feel..

What is the best treatment method for gingivitis?

1) Brush every day with an electric brush (e.g. Sonicare, WaterPik, JetPik) 2) Use a water flosser (e.g. WaterPik, JetPik) 3) See a dentist/hygienist 2-4 times a year. In READ MORE
1) Brush every day with an electric brush (e.g. Sonicare, WaterPik, JetPik)
2) Use a water flosser (e.g. WaterPik, JetPik)
3) See a dentist/hygienist 2-4 times a year.

In some patients who are highly susceptible to gum disease, the dentist/hygienist may need to prescribe additional efforts, such as regular use of xylitol (, interproximal brushes, a Sulcabrush, etc. to help difficult to reach areas and to keep the bad bacteria at bay.

Robert M. Hersh, DMD

Can too much sugar make your teeth hurt?

Sugar is one of the curses of mankind. It can lead to tooth damage, which can cause pain. It is bad for your general health. Try to eliminate sugar from your diet as much as possible. READ MORE
Sugar is one of the curses of mankind. It can lead to tooth damage, which can cause pain. It is bad for your general health. Try to eliminate sugar from your diet as much as possible. You can substitute xylitol for sugar in your coffee or tea. You can cook and bake with it. Here is a good video about sugar:

Robert M. Hersh, DMD

Are electric toothbrushes better to clean dental crowns?

They are better at cleaning all the teeth, not just crowns.

Can dentists remove teeth stains?

Usually yes. But it depends on what caused the stains.

Can you rub coconut oil on your gums?

Of course. Coconut oil is great. You can rub it anywhere. It is perfectly harmless. However, swishing it for 15-20 minutes will probably be more effective than just rubbing it READ MORE
Of course. Coconut oil is great. You can rub it anywhere. It is perfectly harmless. However, swishing it for 15-20 minutes will probably be more effective than just rubbing it on.

Can a broken tooth crown be fixed?

Sometimes depending on how it broke, but not usually.

Are dental crown procedures still occurring at this time?

At this time, only emergency treatment is being performed. That generally means pain, bleeding, swelling, or infection. Anything else should be able to wait until it is safe to READ MORE
At this time, only emergency treatment is being performed. That generally means pain, bleeding, swelling, or infection. Anything else should be able to wait until it is safe to treat patients.

Is lemon water bad for your teeth?

Yes. Lemon is very acidic. Drinking lemon water daily can soften are dissolve the enamel layer of your teeth. Xylitol ( can neutralize the acid and help the enamel READ MORE
Yes. Lemon is very acidic. Drinking lemon water daily can soften are dissolve the enamel layer of your teeth. Xylitol ( can neutralize the acid and help the enamel remineralize.

Robert M. Hersh, DMD

Can dentures have their color customized?

Yes. When fabricating new dentures, you have a choice of colors to choose from, including very white.

Robert M. Hersh, DMD

Can scaling damage your teeth?

Not if performed at appropriate intervals by a properly trained hygienist.

Robert M. Hersh, DMD

How should I sleep with wisdom tooth pain?

Rinse vigorously with warm salt water every hour or two. If the pain persists tomorrow, get to an oral surgeon who can assess and if necessary remove the tooth. You may have an READ MORE
Rinse vigorously with warm salt water every hour or two. If the pain persists tomorrow, get to an oral surgeon who can assess and if necessary remove the tooth. You may have an infection, and it can spread into your throat or brain depending on whether it is a lower or upper wisdom tooth. Don't mess around. This could be serious.

Robert M. Hersh, DMD

What are the benefits of milk tooth fillings?

To prevent the cavity from growing so large that the tooth crumbles leaving sharp, uncomfortable edges, making it difficult to eat. To prevent the cavity from growing so large READ MORE
To prevent the cavity from growing so large that the tooth crumbles leaving sharp, uncomfortable edges, making it difficult to eat. To prevent the cavity from growing so large that the tooth becomes infected. The infection can spread into the bone and face. In other words, to keep the child safe and comfortable until the tooth is ready to fall out and be replaced by a permanent tooth. 

Is it normal for a tooth to hurt after a filling?

Sometimes a tooth can be inflamed and sensitive after a filling is placed, especially if the cavity was deep. I usually advise patients to take an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory READ MORE
Sometimes a tooth can be inflamed and sensitive after a filling is placed, especially if the cavity was deep. I usually advise patients to take an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, such as Advil or Aleve) for a few days after a deep filling to reduce any inflammation and help calm the nerve. Sometimes the inflammation can be reversed and sometimes it is too far gone and the tooth needs root canal therapy. The key question is: Is the discomfort getting better over time or not. If after a week or two the pain is still significant, the tooth probably needs root canal treatment.

Robert M. Hersh, DMD

Is a baking soda rinse safe for my teeth?

It is absolutely safe. As a matter of fact, we used to teach patients to mix together baking soda and peroxide. It is good for the gums and good for the teeth, and the peroxide READ MORE
It is absolutely safe. As a matter of fact, we used to teach patients to mix together baking soda and peroxide. It is good for the gums and good for the teeth, and the peroxide will help whiten your teeth over time.

Why does my 5 year old daughter keep getting cavities?

Hi! There are a couple of things you should be looking for. You may think she isn't eating sugar, but she may be getting other forms of sugar that you don't realize can be READ MORE

There are a couple of things you should be looking for. You may think she isn't eating sugar, but she may be getting other forms of sugar that you don't realize can be causing cavities. You should watch the overall refined carbohydrates, and fruits while they are healthy are also a source of cavity causing sugar, especially dried fruit, which is the worst because of it is also sticky.

The other concern, besides sugar, is acid. Many people, including children, have too much acid and acid will eat away the enamel of the teeth. You can buy pH paper or strips in the pharmacy and see if your child's saliva is acidic (below 7) or basic (above 7). Xylitol is an excellent sugar substitute that will neutralize the acid in the mouth and reduce the growth of cavity-causing bacteria. I personally recommend Zellies ( gum and mints because they are all natural and non-GMO. My grandchildren have at least one mint (sucking candy) after every meal and snack.

Good luck,

Robert M. Hersh, DMD

Can a cavity spread to the next tooth?

Not in the same way that germs are spread from one person to another. However, if there is plaque and germs between two teeth, a cavity can start on one of the teeth and then that READ MORE
Not in the same way that germs are spread from one person to another. However, if there is plaque and germs between two teeth, a cavity can start on one of the teeth and then that tooth can become a reservoir of germs that can attack the other tooth. So, in a way yes, a cavity can spread to the next tooth.

Mouth Ulcers Keep Coming Back

That could be a sign that you are run down, over stressed, or vitamin deficient. Listen to your body. Get 7-8 hours of sleep; eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and take a multivitamin READ MORE
That could be a sign that you are run down, over stressed, or vitamin deficient. Listen to your body. Get 7-8 hours of sleep; eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and take a multivitamin daily; try to control the stress in your life. If you are in school, that might be difficult. Apthous ulcers are very common in students, especially around exam time. Try relaxation techniques, such as yoga or transcendental meditation.

Are there any home remedies to treat canker sores?

Many people are prone to developing canker sores. It may be a sign of a vitamin deficiency, particularly folic acid or zinc (and sometimes calcium). I recommend you rinse your READ MORE
Many people are prone to developing canker sores. It may be a sign of a vitamin deficiency, particularly folic acid or zinc (and sometimes calcium). I recommend you rinse your mouth with either warm salt water or baking soda rinse (dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 cup warm water). You can also dab a small amount of milk of magnesia on your canker sore a few times a day. Avoid abrasive, acidic, or spicy foods that can cause further irritation and pain. There are many other home remedies which you can find on the internet as well.

Happy to help,

Dr. Hersh