Dentist Questions Cavities

Can a cavity spread to the next tooth?

I have a cavity in my back moler on the left side of my mouth. I’m worried that it will spread to the next tooth. Does this happen or am I stressed over nothing?

Male | 16 years old
Complaint duration: 6 months
Medications: N/A
Conditions: Tooth decay

17 Answers


Sorry to hear about the cavity. Yes, it is possible for a cavity to spread to another tooth; however, different types of cavities may be more or less likely. If the cavity is between two teeth, then yes, the cavity normally affects both teeth. If fact, it is possible to be there already without know it. If the cavity is in the center of the tooth, then it is going to take a long time for this cavity to spread to another tooth (if at all).
If taken care of early enough, the cavity wont spread into other teeth nor will it spread in the tooth that it is in either. Remember a cavity is an infection caused by bacteria. The bacteria will keep going until the tooth is crumbling. Hope this helps.

My best to you!

William F. Scott IV, DMD
It’s been known to happen
A cavity will not spread, but whatever caused the cavity to happen in the first place can cause cavities on other teeth. Figure out what is causing your cavities and fix the cause.
"Adjacent tooth can also be decayed if the decay extends between two teeth (one decayed and the other healthy) and causes food to get stuck and eventually even the non carious tooth become carious."

If the cavity is in between the teeth , they will commonly spread to the next tooth. The first cavity creates kind of a "cave" where plaque bacteria can hide, and even good thorough brushing and flossing cannot reach "inside the cave", so the bacterial population tends to be higher thus spreading to the next tooth. It's always best to get a cavity filled as soon as it's noticed; hopefully with regular visits to your dentist and Xrays, called Bitewings, that are the best way for your dentist to "look" in between your teeth where cavities are often found-especially if you are not a daily flosser and eat or drink a lot of acidic foods, starchy foods, processed foods, candy, pop, and chips.
This can and does happen quite frequently. These are called kissing lesions. My suggestion would be to have the cavity filled as soon as possible to prevent this from occurring.
Cavities can definitely spread to adjacent teeth. Cavities are caused by bacteria which can travel throughout the mouth and are even carried by the tongue! Brushing and flossing is very important in the prevention of cavities. Do get your cavity filled, as prolonging the treatment only results in the cavity getting bigger, deeper, and possibly leading to a root canal or worse.
Cavities do not spread to the adjacent tooth, but if the cavity of one tooth is due to lack of hygiene and no flossing the adjacent tooth may also get decay.
Cavities are caused by a bacteria and can spread to adjacent teeth
Cavities do not spread to neighboring teeth. However, the bacteria that caused the cavity can “jump” to the next tooth. So I guess the easy answer is yes, cavities do spread. When you get that cavity filled, you also remove the bacteria which decreases the likelihood of cavities on other teeth.
Cavities are caused by microbes Buhl bacteria from foods left on any teeth which are not adequately cleaned between meals. This includes flossing also to adequately stimulate the areas between the teeth where cavities are most prone to begin. Prevention is the most important part of your dental health. Good habits must be established early and fastidiously maintained with twice-a-year check-ups.
Not in the same way that germs are spread from one person to another. However, if there is plaque and germs between two teeth, a cavity can start on one of the teeth and then that tooth can become a reservoir of germs that can attack the other tooth. So, in a way yes, a cavity can spread to the next tooth.
A cavity on a tooth does not spread to the others. However, your pain might be as a result of multiple decays on the adjacent teeth. You need the dentist to be able to diagnose this situation. My advice is that you consult a dentist before you can make a realistic decision.
Yes, cavities spread to adjacent teeth. The sooner you can take care of it, the better.
You should have a cavity in this particular tooth fixed, so you will not have any complications that may occur.
No, it can only stay on that one tooth. However, if the conditions are ripe (such as poor brushing, high sugar and carbs, no flossing, and lack of VIT D3, K2 and magnesium), you can get other cavities in other teeth.

Best regards,

Dr. Mark Berkowitz
Your decay in one tooth will not be directly transmitted to an adjacent tooth. So no worries there. However, are you certain that the adjacent teeth have been properly and recently examined by a dentist? You should also plan to “fix” or restore the decayed tooth as soon as possible to avoid allowing the decay to go deeper into the tooth. If untreated, the decay process will continue, leading to possible root canal treatment or extraction.