Learn 7 Steps — How to Build Healthy, Positive Relationships!

Julie Doherty Naturopathic Physician Mount Gambier, South Australia

My Commitment and Dedication - Is to provide Evidence Based Guidance and Support that will enable you to Build a Firm Foundation to Master a Life of Optimal Health, Happiness, Vitality and the Best Quality. Beginning with the Key Essence to Build a Brilliant Mind. How Fuelling your mind to positive changes, understanding... more

Build healthy, positive relationships that will support one another in achieving a healthy, happy, positive, and successful life.

Seven Steps to Establishing a Healthy Relationship

  1. Trust — You must be able to trust the person that they will be there. They will be honest with you in matters that concern you both, no matter what. Have faith in each other that you will both do your best to maintain a healthy and positive relationship.
  2. Compassion — Taking into consideration the physical and emotional well-being of each person within the relationship.
  3. Respect — For each of you, that you are individual people with individual purposes in life. Therefore, you will be different in your approach and the things you do. But your values and respect for life and the world around you are similar. Respect each other’s sacrifices that are made to bring about positive outcomes with the relationship — such as time, effort, money, caring and that each of you have different skills to bring to the relationship. These will always be changing as life takes its course.
  4. Acceptance — Changing someone else is not within your realm. What does happen over the course of time by establishing positive habits, committing to being the best you, you can be will bring about positive changes within the people in your life. So prior to establishing a long term intimate relationship my key advice is to ensure to choose someone with values and habits that you hold true to your heart. Also that you like the characteristics within that person.
  5. Reciprocity — A mutual or cooperative interchange of favours or privileges, especially the exchange of rights or privileges of each of you. This may well not necessarily appear of tit for tat the old expression. But it may well be that you don’t take one another for granted and as mentioned your skills will vary, so it will be a mutual exchange of these skills.
  6. Sense of Humour –It is vital to your social success, health, and well-being to always manage to see the funny side of any event. Practice this and it will make life so much happier.
  7. Always Think the Best — Sometimes your mind will having you seeing the worst either in a situation or a person. Turn those thinking wheels around to always seeing the best in each person or situation until proven otherwise.

Read next: Learning steps to cope in difficult times will help with maintaining positive relationships with family and friends.

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