Dr. Gregory Vassilev
Pain Management Specialist
Dr. Gregory Vassilev practices Pain Medicine in Beverly Hills, CA. Pain medicine is concerned with the prevention of pain, and the evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of patients experiencing pain. Pain medicine physicians use a broad-based approach to treat all pain disorders, ranging from pain as a symptom of disease to pain as the primary disease. Dr. Vassilev serves as a consultant to other physicians but is often the principal treating physician, providing care at various levels; such as treating the patient directly, prescribing medication, prescribing rehabilitative services, performing pain relieving procedures, counseling patients and families, directing a multidisciplinary team, coordinating care with other healthcare providers, and providing consultative services.
Dr. Gregory Vassilev
- Beverly Hills, CA
- University of California
- Accepting new patients
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Please recommend something for my back pain
The periodic nature is concerning. Attempt to speak with your OB/GYN. It could be Endometriosis.
Fibromyalgia question
TCA, NASAIDs, Triggerpoint Injections, Biofeedback.....
Could frequent headaches indicate something serious?
New onset HA should be treated as serious. MRI to r/o main concerns. Treatment is to follow. There are many different types of HAs. Each has a different treatment. I would consult READ MORE
New onset HA should be treated as serious. MRI to r/o main concerns. Treatment is to follow. There are many different types of HAs. Each has a different treatment. I would consult a Neurologist or Pain MD
Long term narcotic use
RELISTOR 150mg for a few days works great!
What is causing my chronic back pain?
Only with food and you should get over the counter Prilosec to protect your stomach if you are planning on using it for more than 14 days.
What is the possible treatment for back pain followed by lifting heavy weight?
Before you can treat a cause of pain, one needs to understand the underlying pathology. Is it muscle strain, a ruptured disc, facet degeneration, SI joint arthropathy? Is the pain READ MORE
Before you can treat a cause of pain, one needs to understand the underlying pathology. Is it muscle strain, a ruptured disc, facet degeneration, SI joint arthropathy? Is the pain radiating or just confined to your back? If it persists, always go and be seen by a qualified pain medicine specialist.
For a sprain what is more advisable a hot pack or a cold pack?
ICE, ICE, ICE. Heat only for extreme muscle use, in order to relieve lactate build up. Cristiano Ronaldo has a 200K cryogenic chamber to help him with his sprains. NSAIDS; Rest, READ MORE
ICE, ICE, ICE. Heat only for extreme muscle use, in order to relieve lactate build up. Cristiano Ronaldo has a 200K cryogenic chamber to help him with his sprains. NSAIDS; Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation (RICE) is a great start. If pain is persistent or you cannot put your weight on your ankle after a few days, go see your PMD.
Is my mother's leg pain sciatica or something else?
Sciatica is an inflammation of the L4, L5 and S1 rootles. It can span all tree BUT it is unusual. In other words one would see L5, S1 or just L5 on one side only rarely all three. READ MORE
Sciatica is an inflammation of the L4, L5 and S1 rootles. It can span all tree BUT it is unusual. In other words one would see L5, S1 or just L5 on one side only rarely all three. If your mother is of advanced age and has cardiovascular risk factors a number of other causes of pain should be ruled out. Doing ankle/ brachial blood pressure measurements et. I always recommend scheduling an appointment with a Pain Medicine specialist or your PMD.
Best of Luck!
Best of Luck!
My shoulder hurts when I raise my arm. What should I do?
Ice, rest and Advil for 7-14 days. If not better go be seen by ortho. Make sure non surgical issue. PRP works great on shoulder, it helps decrease healing time and acts as anti READ MORE
Ice, rest and Advil for 7-14 days.
If not better go be seen by ortho.
Make sure non surgical issue.
PRP works great on shoulder, it helps decrease healing time and acts as anti inflammatory.
I hope you get better fast and if not come see me
If not better go be seen by ortho.
Make sure non surgical issue.
PRP works great on shoulder, it helps decrease healing time and acts as anti inflammatory.
I hope you get better fast and if not come see me