Detox: The Removal of Toxic Substances from the Body

Christine L. Foutch Naturopathic Physician Rock Island, Illinois

Dr. Christine Foutch is a holistic physician practicing in Rock Island, IL. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent disease, treat disease, and most importantly promote optimal health.

Today, studies have shown that the toxins and chemicals that we are all exposed to influence our health. This includes dietary and environmental factors.

Some of these chemicals can disrupt the endocrine, or hormonal, system, while others affect neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are modified amino acids that are used to communicate between neurons.

While certain chemicals can impair our immune system’s functioning, and can also prompt gastrointestinal sensitivities or digestive discomfort.

Over the past few decades or so, the concept of detoxing has become a much more potent declaration.

In the United States alone, we are confronted with over 80,000 different chemicals; almost 4 billion pounds of chemical pollutants emerge from our plastic containers, including pesticides, solvents, and heavy metals, all of which intrude into our environment, finding access into our atmosphere, soils, foods, water supply, fire-retardant fabric/clothing, and furniture. Ultimately, these harmful pollutants all find passage into our body.

The human body is capable of cleansing itself from these damaging chemicals, however, the overall volume that we’re exposed to can burden the natural detoxification processes and allow those toxins to accumulate in our tissues.

Toxic substances are everywhere. The body is not only exposed to toxic chemicals in the environment. Toxins are also produced in the body through natural chemical reactions.

Today, research into human biotransformation and elimination systems continues to emerge with several clinical studies evaluating the effects of foods and the food-derived components on the activity of our detoxification pathways.

Food-based nutrients have been continuously investigated to understand their role in the modulation of metabolic pathways involved in the detoxification processes. From ancient times, mushrooms have been viewed as a culinary wonder, and has also been used as a community medicine in Oriental customs.

However, in modern times, there has been an observed and impactful interest in America to investigate the pharmaceutical potential of medicinal mushrooms.

Medicinal mushrooms.

The reishi mushroom

The reishi mushroom is a well-known medicinal mushroom that has been shown to have benefits like:

  • Liver protective\cleansing abilities
  • Boosts immune system functions
  • Cleansing effects in kidney disease
  • Anti-toxin effects in liver disease
  • Anti-carcinogen capabilities

The turkey tail mushroom:

  • Stimulates\modulates immune functions
  • Reduces inflammation and pain
  • Chemotherapy aid\detoxification
  • Cancer management

The shiitake mushroom:

  • Boosts immune functions
  • Lowers cholesterol levels
  • Manages diabetes
  • Lowers high blood pressure

The maitake mushroom:

  • Aids chemotherapy/detoxification
  • Stimulates immune functions

The cordyceps mushroom:

  • Aids and cleanses in kidney disorders
  • Cleanses liver functions with anti-toxin effects

The Lion's Mane mushroom is:

  • Cardio-protective
  • Neuro-Protective

Oyster mushrooms can:

  • Stimulate immune phagocytic cell functions
  • Reduces atherosclerosis

The benefits of Phellinus Linteus mushroom are:

  • Antioxidant properties
  • Potential anti-cancer
  • Anti-bacterial

A total of 126 medicinal functions are thought to be produced by the medicinal mushrooms, including anti-tumor, immunomodulating, antioxidant, and radical scavenging.

You should also pay special attention to the mushrooms’ polysaccharides. Beta-glucans are naturally-occurring polysaccharides.

These glucose polymers are components of the cell wall and include certain pathogenic bacteria and fungi. These substances have shown to increase the human immune system by activating the complement system.

The complement system is a part of our immune system that enhances, or complements the ability of the antibodies and phagocytic immune eating cells to clear microbes and damaged cellular debris. This would enhance the capture, aiding the macrophages (immune eating cells) and the natural killer cell functions.

The production of these human cellular responses by these mushroom beta-glucans, involving their interactions with several cell-surface signaling receptors.

Mushrooms are also environmentally friendly. They bio-synthesize their very own food from crop residues, which would otherwise cause health hazards for us.

The identified medicinal uses of mushrooms are:

  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-diabetic
  • Hypocholesterolemic
  • Anti-tumor
  • Anti-cancer
  • Immunomodulatory
  • Anti-allergen
  • Nephroprotective
  • Antimicrobial agents

There are many examples of detoxification's, including:

  • Alcohol detoxification
  • Drug detoxification
  • Metabolic detoxification

A regular intake of mushrooms or powdered extract blends have the same nutrient health benefits. It’s believed that these benefits help make us healthier, while diminishing the toxic load to help promote a longer, healthier life.

These therapeutic medicinal procedures are as simple as making your daily cup of coffee or tea.

Supplementary Nutritional Option:

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Christine Foutch - Holistic Physician

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Supplementary nutritional option for the same nutrient health benefits: