The First Formally Recognized Bacterial Carcinogen - By Christine L. Foutch

Christine L. Foutch Naturopathic Physician Rock Island, Illinois

Dr. Christine Foutch is a holistic physician practicing in Rock Island, IL. The practice of holistic medicine integrates conventional and alternative therapies to prevent disease, treat disease, and most importantly promote optimal health.

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) 

Is a gram-negative spiral-shaped bacterium that is affecting up to 50% of the world’s population; with a higher prevalence in developing countries.

A very successful human pathogen

The discovery of H. pylori as the cause of gastritis and peptic ulcers led to the modern studies of gastritis and acid-peptic diseases. 

H. pylori was discovered in 1979

This discovery reformed the diagnosis and treatment of peptic ulcers; leading to a reduction in gastric cancer. Becoming the first formally recognized bacterial carcinogen.

A cause of gastrointestinal diseases

Ranging from chronic active gastritis without clinical symptoms to peptic ulceration, gastric adenocarcinoma, and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. 

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) 

These bacteria can colonize the human stomach, thereby inducing inflammation of the gastric mucosa. 


If present, are usually of gastritis or peptic ulcer disease such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or dyspepsia.


With these gastrointestinal symptoms should be investigated to identify the underlying cause of the symptoms.


Of H. pylori can occur via the fecal-oral, gastric-oral, oral-oral, or sexual routes.