Black Wall Street, Independent Capitol Riot Commission, Valley Transit Authority and Covid-19
Claudewell S. Thomas, MD, MPH, DLFAPA, is an established psychiatrist who is currently retired ,, He received his medical degree in 1956 at SUNY Downstate College of Medicine and specializes in social psychiatry, public health psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry. Dr. Thomas was board certified by the American Board of Psychiatry... more
Do you know the way to San Jose? The Valley Transit Authority is down there somewhere, not too far from RPV. You can follow a blood trail if you are part wolf, bobcat, or coyote. Tulsa, Oklahoma is redolent from the relatively recent bloodletting of a black male and the hundred-year-old slaughter of between 500 and 2,100 black men, women, and children by white mobs supported by police and military with aerial capability.
Today's block of the appointment of a commission to establish an investigative arm of Congress to look into its January sixth invasion by a Trump besotted and beguiled mob. (this assignment will only take place after the GOP in the Senate approves the enabling proposition) Chuck Schumer "the Big Jew" who the Trump-directed mob was looking for to lynch on January sixth, will remind the GOP and America of their choices having avoided proselytization and the mobilization of antisemitism.
The mission of the various strains of SARS-CoV- 2 is to take over the planet through assistants named climate change, global warming, and premature social interaction. Ancient bits of protoplasm aided by authoritarian leaders across the globe are increasingly adding to a potentially winning hand.