Every Dermatologist Should Love Acne :-)
Dr. Christopher Ugorji Rex is a dermatologist practicing in Phoenix, AZ and Visalia CA. He was born in New Haven, Connecticut and raised in Nigeria, West Africa where he developed a strong commitment to God, family, and service. While going to college he spent most of his breaks serving as a missionary in Liberia, Ghana,... more
Christopher Ugorji Rex, M.D. FAAD
In dermatology we treat all skin, hair and nail conditions. As a skin specialist I am constantly wrestling to discover the causes and best treatments for several skin conditions. Unfortunately for a lot of conditions we are nowhere close to finding the best treatment for them. Most times we can manage them, but not completely cure them. Luckily, acne is not one of these conditions. I love acne, because it is treatable and, depending on how aggressive a patient is willing to be, curable!
I’ve cared for acne patients, and a year later, questioned whether they ever had acne in the first place.
My approach to acne:
Step 1: Find out what is causing the acne. Is it due to the hormonal shifts in puberty (ages 9-15) and adulthood (ages 21-35)? Or is it due to substances being taken by mouth (medications) or applied on the skin (pomades)?
Step 2: Start my foundation treatment regimen, which hits the two main components that lead to acne:
- Bacterial component – Unfortunately most people are treating just the bacterial component with over the counter products. This gives only temporary relief and less than 50 percent improvement.
- Oil producing component - To get 70 percent and above results, you need to tackle the excess oil production. This is where your friendly neighborhood dermatologist comes into play.
To completely cure severe-scar forming, self esteem-killing acne and leave behind a smiling, confident individual, requires a real patient-dermatologist partnership. I love acne because, like the famous "Men's Warehouse" commercial, I am always able to say to my patients, "You’re gonna like the way you look, I guarantee it."
Brief Bio: Dr. Christopher Ugorji Rex
- Graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.
- Internship at St. Luke’s Bethlehem University Health Network in Pennsylvania
- Dermatology residency completed at S.U.N.Y. Downstate Medical Center in NY
Dr. Rex currently serves patients at:
- Alliance Dermatology and Mohs Center- 14506 W. Granite Valley Dr, Suite 220 Sun City West, AZ 85375. Phone: 602-971-0268
- Alliance Dermatology and Mohs Center- 4045 E. Bell Road, Suite 125, Phoenix, AZ 85032. Phone: 602.971.0268
- Innovative Dermatology Alliance CA- 115 N. Akers Street, Visalia, California 93291 Phone: 559-636-0808