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Traci Shoop


Traci Kochendorfer in Dayton, OH Traci Offers spiritual holistic educational consultation and resources by remote services online in guidance for health and well- being.
Traci Shoop
  • Dayton, OH
  • Accepting new patients

Can psychotherapy fix my relations?

Is it always you that needs fixed? Many times women fall victim to this but males won't admit their forthcomings. Is it maybe a couple therapy help? It could be hormones or READ MORE
Is it always you that needs fixed? Many times women fall victim to this but males won't admit their forthcomings. Is it maybe a couple therapy help? It could be hormones or stress. There are many factors to weigh in before that can be answered. Seek a metaphysician or spiritual advisor to see what is around you or going on to get an idea of the situation. Prayer also can help.

Can counseling help with anxiety?

In my own experience and education I think counseling is just like any service what connects with you. Determining why type or person maybe traditional is something you might READ MORE
In my own experience and education I think counseling is just like any service what connects with you. Determining why type or person maybe traditional is something you might not connect with. IT could be spiritual or metaphysical. Find out what type of anxiety you have and the stem. First. Do your research.

Can depression be fixed?

Depression is a serious mood disorder that affects about 300 million people worldwide. While depression is not curable, it can be successfully managed, enabling those with depression READ MORE
Depression is a serious mood disorder that affects about 300 million people worldwide. While depression is not curable, it can be successfully managed, enabling those with depression to live happy, productive lives. Sadly, about 35 percent of those struggling with depression never receive the treatment they need.

According to National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) statistics, severe depression, also known as major depressive disorder or clinical depression, affects over 19 million adults in the United States. Young people are not immune to depression, either. NAMI data finds about 3.1 million children aged 12 to 17 suffered at least one depressive episode in the previous year.

My mother feels bored and I don't know what to do

Interesting and you are so amazing to do this for a parent. Not sure how old she is or you. Many times environment stress, trauma and hormones can play a factor. Is she in menopause, READ MORE
Interesting and you are so amazing to do this for a parent. Not sure how old she is or you. Many times environment stress, trauma and hormones can play a factor. Is she in menopause, pre or post? It is not your job to make her happy but it is nice to contribute. Happiness comes from within and meditation and prayer. I would suggest she works with her medical provider or obgyn to determine the factors and go from there.

What does a psychiatrist do for PTSD?

First let me say that you are amazing. PTSD is complicated. and there are different types to it. PTS with D means disorder. Make sure you know exactly what type and how it READ MORE
First let me say that you are amazing. PTSD is complicated. and there are different types to it. PTS with D means disorder. Make sure you know exactly what type and how it was obtained. Trauma, abuse, accident, military etc... even prescription drugs or chemical exposure. BUT in simple terms they don't have the greats rating but can help with getting you on the right track with drug knowledge for the symptoms

Can a behavioral psychologist treat anxiety?

Again this is vague. The question is do you want a licensed or a preventative one? Psychology Today is wide spread and has so many unique categories. It's not black and white READ MORE
Again this is vague. The question is do you want a licensed or a preventative one? Psychology Today is wide spread and has so many unique categories. It's not black and white today. Psychology is expanded into healing arts, energy medicine, music, and so much more. Behavioral? what type? see do your research.

Can family therapy help with anxiety?

Your question is vague. Are you saying that family is the reason you have anxiety? Who said you have anxiety?

What is the best treatment for schizophrenia?

There are different types of schizophrenia. for example PTSD soldiers at first had this with schizophrenia maybe cause they experienced alien abduction or GOD. In part you know READ MORE
There are different types of schizophrenia. for example PTSD soldiers at first had this with schizophrenia maybe cause they experienced alien abduction or GOD. In part you know you. What do you believe? The key to this is they don't want you to be a danger to society or yourself. Its best to seek the stem of how it began and mental health specialists can answer this not an online forum.

Can cognitive therapy help with major depressive disorder?

First do you know what CBT does? Cognitive behavioral therapy is a psycho-social intervention that aims to reduce symptoms of various mental health conditions, primarily depression READ MORE
First do you know what CBT does? Cognitive behavioral therapy is a psycho-social intervention that aims to reduce symptoms of various mental health conditions, primarily depression and anxiety disorders. CBT focuses on challenging and changing cognitive distortions and their associated behaviors to improve emotional regulation and develop personal coping strategies that target solving current problems. If you say MAJOR maybe try LOL meditation. to start, I have this and would love to share it with you.

What is the best therapy for fear?

Flying phobia? Fear? If you know where it comes from share your story if not maybe your subconscious blocks it from a trauma or abuse. NLP or Hypnosis can help.

Is psychotherapy effective for the elderly?

Are you clear on her medical history and medications? Do you see a pattern in your family history. Is she already on medications? Maybe look at the details. Why would you go READ MORE
Are you clear on her medical history and medications? Do you see a pattern in your family history. Is she already on medications? Maybe look at the details. Why would you go to a online forum instead of asking her?

What therapy is best for bipolar disorder?

Working with your medical provider to see what treatments are best for your son. This could mean medication and daily alternative practices. Bipolar disorder (or manic-depressive READ MORE
Working with your medical provider to see what treatments are best for your son. This could mean medication and daily alternative practices. Bipolar disorder (or manic-depressive illness) is a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out day-to-day tasks. spiritual/energy healers have come to realize that certain mental disorders are greatly misunderstood. They may have a soul-based component that is often not recognized by the therapists or those affected by the conditions. There are lots of individuals that have more than one soul/aspect in their physical form. But only one of them is the primary soul, the “driver” that animates the body/vehicle.

What can a psychiatrist do for PTSD?

I understand cause I dealt with PTSD from being part of military life. It is per individual and a testing of your own experience. Many do not think regular type of counseling READ MORE
I understand cause I dealt with PTSD from being part of military life. It is per individual and a testing of your own experience. Many do not think regular type of counseling works. But you need to deal with the trauma then move forward to maybe preventive or alternative medicine. Medication can help along with alternative practices like EFT. Some have done well on cannabis, talk therapy, and daily meditation.

What psychotherapy is best for PTSD?

You are preaching to the choir. I understand for I also served under sponsorship and dealt with that. In my opinion and experience, the licensed traditional way does not work. READ MORE
You are preaching to the choir. I understand for I also served under sponsorship and dealt with that. In my opinion and experience, the licensed traditional way does not work. Psychotherapy is not a licensed route that is more of dealing with past issues. EFT, energy medicine, certified spiritual holistic health doctors certified in the area of beyond or a metaphysician, dream experts, also tele talk, meditation, crystal healing. The war is not about traditional types of mental health. We deal with the spiritual and that's something you might want to consider. Heal and cleanse the dark energies, etc.

Is it worth going to couples counseling?

It depends on the area you seek. If you are possibly wanting to be committed, a licensed counselor is not the way because that is traditional and based on state by state. Seek READ MORE
It depends on the area you seek. If you are possibly wanting to be committed, a licensed counselor is not the way because that is traditional and based on state by state. Seek spiritual or ordained ministers that have the education in that field. Now, if you have mental health issues related to this, then seek a licensed marriage and family therapist MFT.

Should I go to therapy for anxiety?

What type of therapy? A licensed type social worker, crisis? LPC? You have to find what is right for you. Seek someone that helps you to understand more about you and allows you READ MORE
What type of therapy? A licensed type social worker, crisis? LPC? You have to find what is right for you. Seek someone that helps you to understand more about you and allows you to educate yourself on anxiety and how to deal with it. A licensed psychiatrist can prescribe clinical drugs while there are also natural alternatives. You know you. Anxiety is a mass issue and each individual is different, and educating yourself or seeking educators on this and tools can help.

Why do I hate myself after eating late at night?

Oh, first off, don't hate yourself. You are amazing. It may be something pre-programmed in your subconscious regarding your eating habits. For example: growing up where you weren't READ MORE
Oh, first off, don't hate yourself. You are amazing. It may be something pre-programmed in your subconscious regarding your eating habits. For example: growing up where you weren't allowed cookies or pop; had to eat all your vegetables before leaving the table; no snacks or treats late at night. Suggestion: Get a beauty journal or food mood plan journal book. Or start your own and, when this happens, you immediately write down what happened to trigger this, what is it that you crave or ate, and how it made you feel, what thoughts come up now. Just look at them as they are, just floating by. Don't be judgmental. Take a deep breath and tap yourself and say I am grateful, but I am not angry. It's okay, I understand.

What is the difference between cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy?

Great question, and as an educational response to help you understand CBT, they both deal with moods and help you to control and function. Difference: IPT is recommended for dealing READ MORE
Great question, and as an educational response to help you understand CBT, they both deal with moods and help you to control and function. Difference: IPT is recommended for dealing with interpersonal disputes that emerge from conflicting expectations between partners, family members, close friends, or coworkers. CBT focuses on modifying the processing of distorted information and dysfunctional beliefs (I know such bull hocky is confusing, right?). Suggestion: FIND WHO YOU ARE. Seek to know your life path, karmic lessons, etc. Remember, you know You. Better seek that first, then decide.

How do psychologists treat obesity?

Psychologists are not supposed to treat this. Unless they are certified in the area to treat obesity or have nutrition therapy diploma, etc., as goes for any licensed counselor, READ MORE
Psychologists are not supposed to treat this. Unless they are certified in the area to treat obesity or have nutrition therapy diploma, etc., as goes for any licensed counselor, are not supposed to treat in those areas. FYI: just because they are licensed doesn't mean they are qualified.

What does a psychiatrist do for anxiety?

I have a diploma in this area, but for licensed practitioners in the state you are in, they can prescribe medication for such.