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Claudia A. paulhiac


Claudia A. paulhiac is an Acupuncture Physician practicing in Miami, FL. Dr. paulhiac specializes in NeuroAcupucture and pain relief. She treats complex neurological conditions such as Stroke paralysis, paralysis due to trauma. MS, Fibromyalgia, Parkinsons, Speech disorders, Neuropathies and localized edema. PTSD, Traumatic Brain Injury, Complex regional pain. Tinnitus, loss of smell and taste, swallowing and saliva conditions. ADD, ADHD, poor consentration, loss of memory, depression and anxiety conditions, Insomnia and tiredness among many other conditions.

Claudia A. Paulhiac specializes in Ozone therapy to treat and alleviate painful joints and spinal issues like bulging discs, herniated discs, sciatica and painful neuropathies. Ozone therapy is combined with homeopathic products to achieve the ultimate remedy for healing arthritis and swollen tendons and soft tissues like miniscus and ligaments.

Claudia A. Paulhiac is highly trained in different countries to provide you with facial rejuvenation procedures by using Homepathic, Ozone and PRP and combining her unic super nutritious injectable "cocktails" to your face, neck and hands. She also treats dark circles, baggy eyes, post surgery scars and acne scars. Her treatments offers improvement of microscopic varicose veins and sinus congestions. You will look and naturally beautiful.
5 years Experience
Claudia A. paulhiac
  • Miami, FL
  • Neuro Acupuncture Institute
  • Accepting new patients

How quickly does acupuncture work?

Every condition is different and therefore the pain relief depends on the severity of the cause. Neck pain could be due to stress, muscle tightness or cervical spine disorders READ MORE
Every condition is different and therefore the pain relief depends on the severity of the cause. Neck pain could be due to stress, muscle tightness or cervical spine disorders to name a few. In average, and depending on the condition you can have neck pain relief from acupuncture immediately or between 3 to 10 treatments

How often should you get acupuncture treatment for migraines?

Migraines have different causes. From allergies to neurological disorders. One of the fastest and most effective methods to treat migraines is through a Neuro Acupuncture Specialist. READ MORE
Migraines have different causes. From allergies to neurological disorders. One of the fastest and most effective methods to treat migraines is through a Neuro Acupuncture Specialist. You can find one at Neuro-Acupuncture

Does acupuncture help vertigo?

Vertigo has different causes. From high or low blood pressure, to inner ear, to neurological disorders. One of the fastest and most effective methods to treat vertigo is through READ MORE
Vertigo has different causes. From high or low blood pressure, to inner ear, to neurological disorders. One of the fastest and most effective methods to treat vertigo is through a Neuro Acupuncture Specialist. You can find one at Neuro-Acupuncture

Is it safe to do acupuncture every week?

You can have acupuncture Avery day from an well trained and experienced Acupuncture Physician. Many conditions are treated 3 times per week.

Is acupuncture good for sciatica?

If you find an Acupuncture Physician trained in Acupoint Injection therapy and or Neuro Acupuncture Specialist, the relief results from your sciatic discomfort will most likely READ MORE
If you find an Acupuncture Physician trained in Acupoint Injection therapy and or Neuro Acupuncture Specialist, the relief results from your sciatic discomfort will most likely be permanent

Does acupuncture help with spinal stenosis?

Spinal stenosis has shown significant improvement with Acupoint Injection therapy by means of Ozone sterilization and homeopathic products.