Joseph Felo
Dr. Joseph Felo is a Forensic Pathologist practicing in Cleveland, OH. Dr. Felo is a doctor who reviews medical records, police reports, and performs autopsies in order to determine a patient's cause and manner of death. As a Forensic Pathologist, Dr. Felo specializes in determining how and why a patient died either suddenly and unexpectedly or by violent means. He can review medical records and autopsy reports and offer expert opinions about the mechanisms of death, including how the patient died, and he can comment about any pain and suffering the patient experienced leading up to death. Dr. Felo is often retained as an expert witness by attorneys to review medical records and police reports and to write medical reports used for the plaintiff and defense in criminal and civil litigation. Although Dr. Felo is qualified to review and testify in all types of medical-legal deaths, he has special interests in pediatric deaths, motor vehicle injuries and deaths, drug and toxicology deaths, and natural deaths.
33 years
Joseph Felo
- Cleveland, OH
- University of Health Sciences
- Accepting new patients
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How long does it take for the human body to smell after death?
The odor of decomposition is usually apparent to the untrained nose usually by 3 or 4 days after death.
Dr. Felo
Forensic Pathologist
Dr. Felo
Forensic Pathologist
How quickly is an autopsy performed after a crime?
Usually within 24 hours of the body being delivered to the morgue.
Dr. Felo
Dr. Felo
Can pathologists identify remains over 10 years old?
Absolutely! But there are many variables such as the condition of the remains and if there are pre-death records and/or DNA material to match with the remains.
Dr. Joseph Felo
Absolutely! But there are many variables such as the condition of the remains and if there are pre-death records and/or DNA material to match with the remains.
Dr. Joseph Felo
Dr. Joseph Felo
Do forensic pathologists go to crime scenes?
In my jurisdiction, forensic pathologists go to crime scenes when the body is still present of an alleged homicide.
Who performs autopsies?
Pathologists perform autopsies. Sometimes, a Pathologist Assistant will perform an autopsy but is supervised by the pathologist.
How long can blood samples remain on crime sites?
Blood stains can remain for very long periods of time, provided they are not wash away.
Dr. Felo
Dr. Felo
How is blood checked for diseases?
Diseases of the organs like liver, kidney, thyroid and pregnancy are tested through very routine test on normal blood draws. Infections need to have very specific blood draws. READ MORE
Diseases of the organs like liver, kidney, thyroid and pregnancy are tested through very routine test on normal blood draws. Infections need to have very specific blood draws. Only a few cancers can be diagnosed by testing the blood.
Dr Felo
Forensic Pathologist
Dr Felo
Forensic Pathologist
Are fingerprints easy or difficult to take from a crime scene?
Fingerprints are easy to take provided they are on solid objects. Almost impossible to take from most fabrics, however.
Is pathology evidence taken from children at a crime scene?
It depends on the case and circumstances when evidence is taken at crime scenes.