Shylah Schauer
Dr. Shylah Schauer is a naturopathic doctor practicing telehealth in North Dakota. Specializing in proactive prevention and treatment combining holistic healing methods with traditional solutions to medical illness. Providing both individual and family care, the most common ailments treated are allergies, chronic pain, digestive issues, obesity, heart disease, fertility, menopause, cancer and chronic fatigue syndrome. Naturopathic Physicians place a strong emphasis on natural remedies that add to the broad spectrum of remedies available.
6 years
Shylah Schauer
- Jamestown, North Dakota
- Accepting new patients
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Are there certain disorders or illnesses that you shouldn't see a naturopath for?
A licensed naturopathic physician is trained in both conventional and traditional medicines. They treat the overall health of a patient and know when to refer to a specialist for READ MORE
A licensed naturopathic physician is trained in both conventional and traditional medicines. They treat the overall health of a patient and know when to refer to a specialist for certain health conditions. Make sure you're working with a licensed provider and they can best direct you to the best care if it outside of their scope of practice.
Do naturopath's use essential oils?
Naturopathic doctors typically do not use essential oils. It is common to use botanical or nutritional uses of herbs but rarely essential oils.
Is exercise incorporated into naturopathic medicine?
Naturopathic medicine incorporates in many healing modalities. Depending on the condition lifestyle medicine (nutrition, movement, and stress management) can be incorporated in READ MORE
Naturopathic medicine incorporates in many healing modalities. Depending on the condition lifestyle medicine (nutrition, movement, and stress management) can be incorporated in to a more thorough plan.
My father has been diagnosed with IBD. Do you think naturopathic treatment may help him?
Naturopathic medicine can be a great tool for adjunctive care to treat IBD. It's important to continue care with current gastroenterologist but adding a naturopathic doctor to READ MORE
Naturopathic medicine can be a great tool for adjunctive care to treat IBD. It's important to continue care with current gastroenterologist but adding a naturopathic doctor to take a deeper look can be very helpful. If you'd like more information on consultations please check out my website at
Can naturopathic medicine help with depression?
It's important to work with a healthcare provider who does an assessment on your symptoms and listens to what you're looking for. There are a lot of great tools outside (and along READ MORE
It's important to work with a healthcare provider who does an assessment on your symptoms and listens to what you're looking for. There are a lot of great tools outside (and along with) medications that can help alleviate mild depression. If you'd like to do a consultation I'm happy to help. Please check out my website at
I am on a naturopathic weight loss program and passing a lot of gas. Is it normal?
Passing gas can be a normal symptoms when you introduce new foods or add more fiber. It's best to talk to the naturopathic weight loss program director to see what they recommend. READ MORE
Passing gas can be a normal symptoms when you introduce new foods or add more fiber. It's best to talk to the naturopathic weight loss program director to see what they recommend.
Are there any risks associated with having naturopathic medicine?
Like any medications there can be side effects or risks. It's best to talk to your prescribing provided to learn more about them.
Are there any herbs that can treat anxiety?
There are plenty of great natural remedies for anxiety. It's best to work with a licensed healthcare provider to see what's best for your and the root/severity of your anxiety. READ MORE
There are plenty of great natural remedies for anxiety. It's best to work with a licensed healthcare provider to see what's best for your and the root/severity of your anxiety. If you'd like more information on consultations please take a look at my website.
I want to try a natural medical treatment, should I see a naturopath physician?
Yes! A naturopathic physician can work with you to look at the whole picture and come up with a best holistic treatment plan. A lot of underling conditions are connected if you READ MORE
Yes! A naturopathic physician can work with you to look at the whole picture and come up with a best holistic treatment plan. A lot of underling conditions are connected if you look at the root of the disease. The wonderful thing about working with a naturopathic physician is that they are trained in both conventional and natural treatments and can give you some guidance on what is best to treat naturally and what might be some conventional medicine options. If you want more information take a look at my website:
What type of nutritional supplements do naturopath's prescribe?
Naturopathic doctors can prescribe anything from pharmaceutical medications, botanical supplements, homeopathy, physical medicine, or nutrition and lifestyle modifications. It READ MORE
Naturopathic doctors can prescribe anything from pharmaceutical medications, botanical supplements, homeopathy, physical medicine, or nutrition and lifestyle modifications. It depends on what state you live in on what exactly your naturopathic doctor can prescribe. Some states naturopathic doctors can not work as adjunctive primary care so they do not have prescription rights.
Can I solve my stomach issues through natural remedies?
There are many wonderful holistic options to manage gastrointestinal issues. Stomach issues can occur for a variety of reasons so it is important to work with a holistic provider READ MORE
There are many wonderful holistic options to manage gastrointestinal issues. Stomach issues can occur for a variety of reasons so it is important to work with a holistic provider you trust to get to the root cause of your symptoms and provide a scientific based natural treatment plan. If you're looking for a provider I am taking new patients. Please visit my website at to learn more about setting up a free discovery call.
What does naturopathic medicine include?
Naturopathic medicine is a great option for anyone seeking alternatives to prescription medications. Naturopathic doctors can prescribe certain medications, but prefer to get the READ MORE
Naturopathic medicine is a great option for anyone seeking alternatives to prescription medications. Naturopathic doctors can prescribe certain medications, but prefer to get the root of disease and treat using natural solutions. This can include herbs, nutrition, supplementation, or lifestyle modifications.