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Reza Moradi


Dr. Reza Moradi is an ophthalmologist practicing in Newport Beach, CA. Dr. Moradi specializes in eye and vision care. As an ophthalmologist, Dr. Moradi can practice medicine as well as surgery. Opthalmologists can perform surgeries because they have their medical degrees along with at least eight years of additional training. Dr. Moradi can diagnose and treat diseases, perform eye operations and prescribe eye glasses and contacts. Ophthalmologists can also specialize even further in a specific area of eye care.
15 years Experience
Reza Moradi
  • Newport Beach, CA
  • Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences
  • Accepting new patients

When can you wear contacts again after an eye infection?

During treatment for infectious pink eye (conjunctivitis), you'll be advised to temporarily stop wearing your contact lenses. It's OK to start wearing your contacts again once READ MORE
During treatment for infectious pink eye (conjunctivitis), you'll be advised to temporarily stop wearing your contact lenses. It's OK to start wearing your contacts again once you've completed your treatment, your eye is no longer pink and you've completed recommended follow-up with your provider

How do you remove a contact lens that won't come out?

Before you attempt to remove your stuck contact lens, wash your hands. Most times, the contact gets stuck while centered on your cornea. In this case, it's possible that the lens READ MORE
Before you attempt to remove your stuck contact lens, wash your hands. Most times, the contact gets stuck while centered on your cornea. In this case, it's possible that the lens dried out while in your eye. Alternatively, it can happen when you fall asleep without first removing your lenses. If this happens, use a steady stream of sterile saline, multipurpose contact lens solution, or contact lens rewetting drops to irrigate the stuck contact and your eye for a few seconds. Once done, close your eyes and carefully massage your upper eyelid until you can feel the lens start to move. Its possible for your contact lens to remain stuck, even after following the instructions above. If this persists, try repeating the previous steps a few more times. Remember to blink a lot each time you rinse your eyes. This helps the lens moisten and gives it a chance to move off the eye. It can take several attempts and up to 15 minutes before the lens becomes rehydrated. It takes patience to remove a stuck contact lens. But as soon as it moves freely, remove the lens as you normally would. But if these techniques don't work, you need to visit your eye doctor. He or she can help remove your lens in a safe and efficient manner. It's better to pay for this instead of paying for treatment to correct any damage.

Will I still be nearsighted after cataract surgery?

The new lenses inserted during cataract surgery can correct refractive vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and presbyopia. Nearsightedness is when you have READ MORE
The new lenses inserted during cataract surgery can correct refractive vision problems such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and presbyopia. Nearsightedness is when you have trouble clearly seeing things that are far away. Generally, after two to three months after cataract surgery, your vision should be clear. If you have any residual farsightedness, nearsightedness, or astigmatism (which could not be corrected with the available lenses), you will need glasses. To reduce this need for glasses, consider laser vision correction procedures such as LASIK or PRK.

How long is pink eye contagious after drops?

Bacterial pink eye is highly contagious and is typically treated with antibiotic eye drops. It can spread to others as soon as symptoms appear, and it remains contagious for as READ MORE
Bacterial pink eye is highly contagious and is typically treated with antibiotic eye drops. It can spread to others as soon as symptoms appear, and it remains contagious for as long as symptoms remain, or for about 24

How do I disinfect my glasses after pink eye?

The best way to do this is no different than cleaning our hands. Simple soap and hot water will clean the lenses, remove bacteria and viruses, and be safe for all parts of the READ MORE
The best way to do this is no different than cleaning our hands. Simple soap and hot water will clean the lenses, remove bacteria and viruses, and be safe for all parts of the glasses. Make sure you get into all the tight spaces, like the nose pads, insides of hinges, and so on.

Can I shower with contacts in my eyes?

All types of contact lenses, including extended-wear contacts, should be removed from your eyes before showering to prevent complications. Even though extended-wear contacts can READ MORE
All types of contact lenses, including extended-wear contacts, should be removed from your eyes before showering to prevent complications. Even though extended-wear contacts can be worn for multiple days at a time, you're still putting your eyes at risk for infection or irritation if the contacts become wet.

What glasses are good for night driving?

Night driving glasses have non-prescription yellow or amber-tinted lenses and can be purchased over the counter. Yellow-tinted lenses for night driving help to filter out blue READ MORE
Night driving glasses have non-prescription yellow or amber-tinted lenses and can be purchased over the counter. Yellow-tinted lenses for night driving help to filter out blue light, the light most likely to cause glare when it enters the eye.

How do you fix computer vision syndrome?

Solutions to digital screen-related vision problems are varied. However, they can usually be alleviated by obtaining regular eye care and making changes in how the screen is viewed. READ MORE
Solutions to digital screen-related vision problems are varied. However, they can usually be alleviated by obtaining regular eye care and making changes in how the screen is viewed. In some cases, individuals who do not require the use of eyeglasses for other daily activities may benefit from glasses prescribed specifically for computer use. - Eyeglasses or contact lenses prescribed for general use may not be adequate for computer work. Lenses prescribed to meet the unique visual demands of computer viewing may be needed. Special lens designs, lens powers or lens tints or coatings may help to maximize visual abilities and comfort. - Viewing the computer [image: Correct body posture] Proper body positioning for computer use. Some important factors in preventing or reducing the symptoms of CVS have to do with the computer and how it is used. This includes lighting conditions, chair comfort, location of reference materials, the position of the monitor, and the use of rest breaks. - *Location of the computer screen. *Most people find it more comfortable to view a computer when the eyes are looking downward. Optimally, the computer screen should be 15 to 20 degrees below eye level (about 4 or 5 inches) as measured from the center of the screen and 20 to 28 inches from the eyes. - *Reference materials. *These materials should be located above the keyboard and below the monitor. If this is not possible, a document holder can be used beside the monitor. The goal is to position the documents, so the head does not need to be repositioned from the document to the screen. - *Lighting. *Position the computer screen to avoid glare, particularly from overhead lighting or windows. Use blinds or drapes on windows and replace the light bulbs in desk lamps with bulbs of lower wattage. - *Anti-glare screens. *If there is no way to minimize glare from light sources, consider using a screen glare filter. These filters decrease the amount of light reflected from the screen. - *Seating position. *Chairs should be comfortably padded and conform to the body. Chair height should be adjusted so the feet rest flat on the floor. Arms should be adjusted to provide support while typing and wrists shouldn't rest on the keyboard when typing. - *Rest breaks. *To prevent eyestrain, try to rest eyes when using the computer for long periods. Resting the eyes for 15 minutes after two hours of continuous computer use. Also, for every 20 minutes of computer viewing, look into the distance for 20 seconds to allow the eyes a chance to refocus. - *Blinking. *To minimize the chances of developing dry eye when using a computer, try to blink frequently. Blinking keeps the front surface of the& eye moist. Regular eye examinations and proper viewing habits can help to prevent or reduce the development of the symptoms associated with CVS.

Can you wear night vision glasses in the daytime?

It doesn't hurt anything to wear night driving glasses during the day. In fact, sunglasses are already blue light blocking glasses. Reza Moradi, MD *Reza Moradi, MD* *Comprehensive READ MORE
It doesn't hurt anything to wear night driving glasses during the day. In fact, sunglasses are already blue light blocking glasses. Reza Moradi, MD *Reza Moradi, MD* *Comprehensive Ophthalmology, Cataract, Cornea and Refractive Surgery * 355 Placentia Ave, Suite 99, Newport Beach, CA 92663 949.270.6063 (P) | 949.270.6064 (F)