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Molly Ruth Machemehl

Psychologist | School

Ms. Molly Ruth Machemehl is a School Psychologist (MA LSSP) practicing in Texas most often for Texas schools. She is licensed in Texas and Vermont. Ms. Machemehl specializes in evaluation, counseling, and intervention for students with needs as well as supports classroom and home recommendations to help students. As a School Psychologist, Ms. Machemehl evaluates; supports learning initiatives; and determines strengths and challenges through a variety of methods. Collaborating, using insight from a multi-disciplinary team, understanding child development, and recognizing strengths are important skills she uses. Students usually are referred to Ms. Machemehl if they, their school, and/or their family want answers to questions. They also are referred if they need school-based support. After working in a compliance arena with businesses, while helping identify obstacles co-occurring with identifying opportunities, and after working as a full-time certified teacher, Ms. Machemehl became licensed while maintaining certification. She uses various classroom strategies to help determine the level of effectiveness. Ms. Machemehl recognizes the unique potential in all students as part of humanity. She also cherishes the differences in each human life. Emulating virtue, teaching by example, helping people reach their goals, and promoting safe schools are core initiatives.
26 years Experience
Molly Ruth Machemehl
  • Flower Mound, TX
  • Baylor University
  • Accepting new patients

Guide to Texas - Confidentiality Citations in the Texas Guidance

I.  When must you break confidentiality with the legal and ethical citations? A.  Texas Administrative Code, Title 22, Part 21, Ch 465, Rule 465. 12 pertains to privacy and confidentiality...

The Willingness of Educators to Utilize Video Modeling as a Form of Supplemental Instruction on Verbal Expression of Emotion in Children with Autis...

Ms. Molly R. Machemehl – submitted 04/28/2010 to Houston Baptist UniversityAbstractThe present research considers the predictors of the willingness of educators to use video modeling...