Inulin is used to test the function of the kidneys. Inulin passes throughout of the body via urine, so doctors use it to determine how well your kidneys are working.
They inject Inulin in your veins and measure its presence in the blood and urine by means of blood and urine tests.
Inulin is a polysaccharide obtained from plants. When injected into the bloodstream, it passes through the kidneys without being reabsorbed or secreted by the tubules, unlike most other substances.
This makes Inulin test highly reliable in testing kidney functioning. However, practitioners tend to prefer creatinine test because there is no need for an infusion.
Before using Inulin, you must know all about the risks and complications associated with it.
Tell your doctor if you experienced allergies or other problems to Inulin and other medications.
Tell all the medications you take to your doctor before taking Inulin test.
Tell your doctor if you use tobacco or drink alcohol before the test.
Make sure to tell your doctor if you have other health problems before the test. Inulin test must be used with caution in patients with problems in the heart, liver, adrenals and thyroid.
The doctor may use Inulin in children or patients less than 18 years of age. Inulin test has been used in children.
3 Proper Usage
To use Inulin properly, you must follow all instructions given by your doctor.
Inulin test is done by the doctor in a clinic or the hospital. In this procedure, Inulin is injected into a vein. The dose of Inulin is based on your body weight.
The doctor may also insert a urinary catheter in your bladder. Several blood and urine tests are performed to measure levels of Inulin. Results are then studied.
4 Potential Side Effects
As with many medications, there are several potential side effects associated with Inulin.
Call your doctor if you feel any pain or problems in urination during the procedure.
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