“Benign Bone Tumors and Homeopathic GH Spray (Sublingual)?”
Currently I am 32 years old. I played Division-1 College football as a kicker. I am also still friends with my best friend’s father the orthopedic surgeon and recently asked him about my benign bone tumors as a kid. He said don’t even worry about them you’re fine. He understands that I tend to suffer from OCD and can be a hypochondriac. I am very healthy and lift and run every day. However, I also didn’t mention to my best friend’s father him that when I was 17/18 years old I used a homeopathic muscle spray/supplement from GNC (used 2 bottles total). It was a homeopathic Growth Hormone and had some other stuff in it. Would this have affected his answer or is it nothing to worry about? I know some literature says that Human Growth Hormone is bad and can leads to people developing bone cancers; but I have had no issues, it was off the shelf at the mall, and was just homeopathic ingredients.
The spray is called “The Beast Anabolic Activator” here is the link to it: https://beastsports.com/products/anabolic-activator
I don’t want to worry about any of this anymore and I don’t think my taking the homeopathic supplement would affect my benign bone tumors in any way, especially since it has been over 14 years ago since I used it. The homeopathic ingredient list is also pasted below.
This is the ingredient list, it was called the Beast Anabolic Activator: Ingredients:
Ingredients: Homeopathic Ingredients: Somatotropin (GH) 6C, Gonadostimuline 6C, Chorionic Gonadotrophine 6C, Folliculostimuline 6C, Adrenocorti-Cotrophine 9C, Thyroidinum 6C, Adrenalinum 6C, Progesterone 9C, Orchitinum 6C, Dopamine 6C, Acetylcholine 6C, RNA 6C, DNA 6C, A.T.P. 6C, Leucine 4C, Isoleucine 4C, Valine 4C, Glutamine 4C, Estrone 12C, Estradiol 12C, Cortisone 12C, Saw Palmetto 3C, Tribulus Terrestris 3C, Insulinum 6C.
Male | 32 years old
Medications: None
Conditions: None
3 Answers
Christopher B. Michelsen, MD, FAOA, FAAOS, FACS
Good luck,
Robert D. Swift, DO, FAOAO