Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Can I exercise if I have a disc hernia?

I was diagnosed with a disc hernia. Can I exercise if I have a disc hernia?

5 Answers

You should let it heal, meaning all inflammation and pain gone so you don't re injure your disc
You have asked a challenging question since a lot of people do a lot of exercise with a herniated disc while others have trouble even walking. The best answer is for you to have your spine examined by a Chiropractor, if you haven't already, then plan a program that would be beneficial for your particular situation.
Ask you physician. There are many grades of disc herniations.
If it doesnt hurt at all you can exercise. If the exercises cause any pain, I would avoid it and go see your chiropractor.
Yes, you can! I would recommend seeing a professional in order to help determine what exercises your body tolerates while also rehabilitating your disc herniation. Olivia Augustino, DC Chiropractic Physician Move Well Chiropractic, LLC 950 S Winter Park Dr, Ste 245 Casselberry, FL 32707