General Practitioner Questions Urologist

Can I wipe my front too much?

I noticed blood after wiping after I went pee yesterday. Later on in the day, before going pee I wiped again to see if it was still there. It was. It was a small dot on the toilet paper of blood which got me to wondering if it's possible to wipe your front too much or too hard that it could make it bleed a bit, similar to if you do the same if you wipe your butt too much. I'm also wondering I should go to the doctor and get tested to see if it's from a UTI or something else, as I also have had a dull ache in my pelvic area the past week, thinking it's more so my ovary if anything.

Female | 25 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day

2 Answers

I will recommend you to go to your doctor and get your urine checked.
Yes, you should get checked for UTI and/or an irritable vulva. Various reasons for that exist, for example lichen sclerosis.

Yours truly,

Dr. Rick Steele, MD, MPH, PDC, BCSPHM
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