Dentist Questions Dentist

Can dentures be put in permanently?

I am a 65 year old female. I want to know if dentures can be put in permanently?

17 Answers

Yes but cleaning of them is difficult
Yes, with implants.
Implants can convert a denture to a more permanent situation.
The brief answer is YES. There are a few anatomical considerations that the dentist must make. You will be required to have more dental implants for a "fixed" case. You will also be likely required to have more frequent "cleaning" visits at your dental office.
Yes if screwed to implants like all on 4"s
Hi, traditional dentures cannot be placed permanently. It is actually important to remove your dentures daily, clean them and give your mouth tissues some time to rest. If you are considering a permanent restoration that is not removable, implants would be required if you are missing all your natural teeth.
There are many options to having artificial teeth made permanent. Yes, "dentures" can be put in permanently. Ask your dentist.
Yes, sort of. An All-on-4 is type of screw retained "dentures" that can only be removed by your dentist. Basically 4 implants and a prosthetic made of either titanium and acrylic or ceramic that is attached to them. Your dentist will remove it to clean the implants and service the prosthetic.
Yes, dentures that are reinforced by implants can be designed as bridges anchored by several implants and kept in the mouth without removing them. Keep in mind that proper oral hygiene habits should be kept to maintain healthy gums and prosthesis.
Yes, they can be put in permanently by attaching them to implants. It makes a tremendous difference. Please check this out.
You are not supposed to wear dentures 24/7. Oral tissue which support the dentures requires rest at night.
Hi! Hope you and your family are healthy and happy.
What is permanent? YES! If enough bone is present, multiple implants can be connected to a screw-retained type of denture. The major point: do you have sufficient bone to hold the implants. A Cone Beam, a specific type of X-ray, is used to determine if you are a candidate for implants. There are other things to consider of course, but bone quantity and quality can be the major issue if you are a good candidate for implants and this procedure.
Good Luck!

Dr. Rowen
Yes, you can have a permanently fixed denture with implant-supported.
Yes they can with the aid of implants in the jaw.
There are implant-retained dentures that can be screwed in permanently or implant-retained snap in dentures.
Yes, if combined with implant. However, it still need to be removed and cleaned/maintained occasionally.
PS: combination of "implant and denture" treatment is not simple, need a good consultation with expert dentists.